SobiPro 1.2 will be released at 28th of October.
Besides several bug-fixes and some new features, the new SobiPro version comes with two new default templates. One template to use with Bootstrap 2, the default Bootstrap version of Joomla! and one for Bootstrap 3, the Bootstrap version used by a lot of Joomla! template designers.
The new default templates feature eight different colour schemes and the possibility to set round or angular edges for the HTML elements used by SobiPro.

Additionally these templates are completely revised and are now powered by a new template settings screen.
The settings for RSS feeds, the number of entries per page, the entries per line, and showing the entries recursive or not for the section view, the category views and listing views in general and their ordering, can now be setup via the new settings screen.
For the entry form it is possible now to choose between the horizontal and the online form view of Bootstrap. For required fields, additionally a star () can be shown. The description of an field can be shown as known via a pop-up or below or above the fields.

The possibility to show an image placeholder for entries without uploaded images is now implemented by default, same as the possibility to adjust the width of the image in the vCard via the new template settings screen.
A new feature to show the number of entries in a category is now implemented and can be activated via the template settings screen.
Both new default templates are responsive out of the box.

The new default templates are using LESS to generate the CSS. Therefore SobiPro 1.2 has an integrated LESS compiler.
All our applications will be adapted to the new template. With that the applications integrates themselves perfectly into the new template. Applications can be configured via the new template setting screen.

Additionally to the known possibility to use images for the category icons, SobiPro now allows you to choose your icons from four different font libraries: Font Awesome 3 (from CDN or locally) and Font Awesome 4 and Google Material Icons, both from CDN.
To support the Bootstrap 3 class definitions, SobiPro HTML output can be switched to use Bootstrap 3 styles.
And the best is - SobiPro is still compatible with the default2 template and its derivatives.