In this new SobiPro version we concentrated our efforts to refine the front-end output of SobiPro.
To adapt the SobiPro layout to the used Joomla! template, SobiPro 1.2 has the ability to switch off loading its Bootstrap and Icon fonts and use the ones from the template instead. It also brings new icon fonts, which can be loaded. To adapt completely to Bootstrap 3 output, SobiPro now has the possibility to switch its generated HTML output to Bootstrap 3 format.
Additionally SobiPro 1.2 comes with a complete new default template which features several colour themes, a new ease-of-use template configuration and is fully responsive out-of-the-box. This template is available for Bootstrap 2 and Bootstrap 3.
The CSS for the new template is generated from LESS and SobiPro has now an integrated LESS compiler.
All core fields of SobiPro have several more settings added to fine tune the output of SobiPro. For the different output views (entry form, search form, detail view), there are now different default class nodes and selectors, additional label settings, default values and field widths available.
A new core field 'Information' is implemented to show text in the entry form, vCard or details view without changing template files.
Search highlighting is available. The found keywords will be highlighted in the search results.
We also improved the performance of SobiPro by adding an additional memory-driven APC cache to the data accelerator.
There are a lot more nice little features added and a bunch of bugs fixed. Please check the changelog list for a full list of all new features, changes and bug fixes.
With SobiPro 1.2 we dropped support for Joomla! 2.5!