We are happy and excited to present you our new, improved website. We hope you will find that our new system will meet your needs. We took under consideration your advices to improve the support and membership area and merged all websites into one to simplify the work-flow. We hope that those improvements will give you the best possible experience.
We upgraded almost everything including a new Joomla! version, a new support system and also a new selling system. The entire content on our new website is now served by SobiPro. We are also very happy about our mobile friendly and responsive template.
Please consider however, that we are still working on those improvements so not everything may work as expected. If you find any issue or problem please do not hesitate to report it to us. We would be very thankful for your help and opinion.
To celebrate this exciting event we would like to offer s special, 20% off discount for all subscriptions. Use the coupon code SPNEWSTART.
The coupon code is valid until 10. January 2015.