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GeoMap Field 4.1.2 released

GeoMap Field 4.1.2 released

The GeoMap Field with Proximity/Radius Search and the Basic GeoMap Field 4.1.2 are available to download. This release fixes a bug. It is recommended to update!

The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible fields for SobiPro with a field type for showing the location of an entry on a geographical map. While editing an entry, it creates coordinates based on the geo-location of the current IP address of the author, or of the entered address. Thereupon the entry will get a map with a marker on its location in the details view.

Besides the normal radius search, the SP-GeoMap Field with Proximity/Radius Search gives you also the possibility to do a proximity search to find entries within the proximity to a given location. The proximity search is a RADIUS SEARCH without the LIMITATION to a radius. With this improved usability the selection of an entry can be done immediately without changing the radius and perform a re-search if the results don't fit the idea.

More information are available in the Changelog of the field application.

The SP-GeoMap Field with Proximity/Radius Search application is available for Silver and Gold Subscriptions. The Basic SP-GeoMap Field is available for all subscription types.
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