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Profile Field 3.2 released

Profile Field 3.2 released

A new version of the Profile Field is available. This release has an enhanced user management in administrator area and is based now on core user handling.

Normally, if you want only registered users to be able to add an entry to your directory (section), they must first register on your Joomla registration form page before they can add an entry to your directory. This is where the profile field steps in and lets your users register themselves in Joomla while adding an entry to your directory (section).

It also allows the creation of a member directory where user profiles can be displayed with a link to all of that user's entries from any or all SobiPro sections on your website.

And third, in the profile field, you can display a link and selected data in entries that link back to the user's profile. This is e.g. for blogs, news, articles or similar content.

For more information, see the changelog of the field application.

The Profile Field is available for Bronze, Silver and Gold Subscriptions.
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