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It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.


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Translations for SobiPro

Tags: language

Creating a Language Package

Last updated: 30. October 2020
Refers to version: 1.1 to 1.6

Thanks to our translations teams, SobiPro is already translated into several other languages.
If your language is not in the list, you are welcome to translate the language files for SobiPro into your language.
We are using Transifex, an online tool for translation of SobiPro language packages and application translations.

We are creating regularly installable language packages from your translations made at Transifex. You will find these language packages in the Information Center in Languages for SobiPro. Each language has its own official page.

A SobiPro language package uses the same installation format as the former Joomla! 1.5 language package installer.
Install a SobiPro language package in SobiPro's Application Manager or via SobiPro Repository.
Do NOT remove the English language files delivered and installed with SobiPro.

Creating a Language Package for SobiPro

Content of a SobiPro language package

A SobiPro language package consists of several files. If you want to create your own language package, you need to create all these files. These are a .xml file for the installation process and several .ini files containing the language texts for SobiPro. Six files for the back-end translation in the folder admin and four files for front-end translation in the folder site. Ideally you will translate all files.

Language package example for English language

All files have to be in a ZIP file named Change the language code en-GB to the code of your language. 1.6.x means a language package for SobiPro 1.6.x. It does not mean that the package is completely translated, but that the installation package match the structure of that specific SobiPro version.
The language files have to be in the folders site for front-end files and admin for back-end files.
The installation file has to be in the root of the zip package.

  • admin folder
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.sys.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.js.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.about.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.messages.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.check.ini
  • en-GB.SpTpl.default3.ini
  • site folder
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.err.ini
  • en-GB.com_sobipro.js.ini
  • root
  • install.xml
The installation file install.xml

The installation file install.xml contains information about the language and the translator. Enter your name and URL in this file to recognize you as the author of the translation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <install type="language" version="1.5" client="both" method="upgrade">
      <core version="1.1"/>
  <creationDate>April 2020</creationDate>
  <author>English Translation Team</author>
  <copyright>Copyright (C) 2020 Sigsiu.NET GmbH. All rights reserved.</copyright>
  <license> GNU/GPL Version 3</license>
  <description>The English language files as integrated in SobiPro core.</description>
    <files folder="admin">
    <files folder="site">
Translating the files

You will find the English language files in the SobiPro installation package in the folder Site/usr/locale or in our Git repository and issue tracker.

Edit the files and change the texts on the right of the equal sign (=). To avoid formal errors, we recommend to use Transifex!
When saving the file, make sure to save it with the encoding UTF8 No BOM!

If you update an existing language package, please take always this one which is available in our Download Directory as basis as it could happen that we make formal corrections to a package.

The name of the language files

Language naming convention in Joomla! are language and ISO code. Use the 2- resp. 3-letter language prefix code. The list of country prefix codes is available here.
Easiest way to get the language code for your country is to take a look at the name of the Joomla! language package you've installed on your site.

To create a package for your language, take the English language files of the SobiPro package as reference and rename the files according to your country.

The name of the package

Name of package should be:
where xx-XX is the language code and y.y.x is the SobiPro version you are translating; 1.0.x for SobiPro 1.0 (Sparrow), 1.1.x for SobiPro 1.1 (Budgie), 1.2.x for SobiPro 1.2 (Nightingale), 1.3.x for SobiPro 1.3 (Eagle), 1.4.x for SobiPro 1.4 (Owl), 1.5.x for SobiPro 1.5 (Owl) and 1.6.x SobiPro 1.6 (Owl). As we discontinued the development of SobiPro 1.0 to 1.5, it is recommended to translate only for SobiPro 1.6.

Get your package published for other users from your country

To get your language package published, either upload your translations to Transifex or send us your language package by email. After verification, it will be uploaded to Transifex (if your language does not yet exist in Transifex) and published in our Download Directory available for all users. If there are already translated files for your language at Transifex and your package does not derive from them, we are probably not able to publish your package.
If you are not the only translator and/or your translations are based on the translation of another user, the installation file won't contain all names, but instead a reference to the translation team. Please note, that you have to release your language package/translations with a GNU/GPL compatible license in order get it published on our site.

Translations of SobiPro Applications

Also the language files for the SobiPro applications will be translated by our translations teams on Transifex.

If the translation file(s) of a language are not included in the package of an application, you can check out our Git repository and issue tracker if there will be a translation available. Check it also if you need a more recent translation.

If the translation of a language is missing and you want to create a translation for that application, it is recommended to translate the English translation file(s) of the application (starting with en-GB) which are always included in the application's package, to your language. Make sure to save them with the encoding UTF8 No BOM!
Replace en-GB with the language code of your language and copy the translated file(s) to the Joomla! language folder of your language.
Please note some apps have more than one language file.

Other users from your country would appreciate it, if you would add your translation to Transifex or send us by email.

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them or parts of it without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Published on Wednesday, 1 September 2010. Visited 12650 times.
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