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SobiPro Announcement
SobiPro 2.6.1 is available!

As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.

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SobiPro Component

Release Notes

Last updated: 3. October 2024
Refers to version: all
This change log list describes all bug fixes and changes made since version RC1 of SobiPro 1, including the Sobi Framework and the default SobiPro template.

2.6.1 Build 3 (03 October 2024)

(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate

2.6.1 Build 2 (02 October 2024)

(!) Includes default8 template version 8.0.1
(!) Includes default7 template version 7.2.4
(!) Small improvement of Dashboard view
(!) Implementations for demorestrict plugin
(!) Maximum Joomla version set to 5.2 (installation)
(!) System check for MySQL Query Cache removed for MySQL database as no longer supported as of MySQL 8
(!) MySQL min version set to 5.7; recommended version set to 8.1 (system check)
(!) MariaDB min version set to 10.0.14; recommended version set to 11.1 (system check)
(!) Database name (MariaDB/MySQL) added to system check
(!) PHP min version set to 8.1; recommended version set to 8.2 (system check)
(!) Obsolete tests are no longer performed (FTP Layer, PHP Safe Mode, PHP Register Globals) in system check

(#) Did not work without enabled Backward Compatibility plugin
(#) Default template not loaded correctly in SobiPro trial version
(#) Reversal of onclick function Joomla adds to all collapsable elements in SobiPro menu
(#) Message not shown for redirects
(#) Ordering in section application menu wrong
(#) Corrected general Joomla alert message for default7 and default8 templates
(#) Category relations are now sorted by parent id as the path is wrong if category id of subcategories is lower than its parent
(#) If no categories are selected for a category field, the category in object table is deleted only for primary category field (this expects only one category field to be primary).
(#) PHP 8 compatibility
(#) Catching error if SOAP is not installed
(#) No search results if a dependency field is not set
(#) Layout of dependency field in search wrong
(#) Suffix for select fields not considered in search

2.6 Build 0 (15 August 2024)

(+) New default template default8 added (supports only Bootstrap 5)

(!) Minimum SobiPro version to install on set to 2.0
(!) Minimum PHP version set to 8.0 and minimum Joomla version set to 4.1
(!) Configuration keys for search CSS classes changed
(!) &sparam=show is added to a Joomla menu link to SobiPro's search
(!) Template names can no longer contain a dash

(#) Suffix for inbox search fields missing
(#) SobiPro menu links also work for Joomla in sub-folder
(#) Some templates, depending on their name, could not be duplicated properly (templates below default4 are no longer supported)

2.5.4 Build 2 (19 June 2024)

(!) Speed for searching in select lists improved
(!) Instructions link for old templates added instead of include instructions for helper file

(#) Exact search still used regex syntax for Spencer's implementation for regular expressions instead of International Components for Unicode (ICU)

2.5.3 Build 1 (21 May 2024)

(!) Help text added for 'Used Template'

(#) fa-v4compatibility fonts added
(#) Small correction for wildcard search
(#) If existed, configuration override file needed to be written to set search.fulltext to false
(#) Aliases (nid) for entries and categories may not exceed 190 characters
(#) Legacy styles files corrected
(#) Entry form post data were not set for older SobiPro templates

2.5.2 Build 0 (03 May 2024)

(#) Since Joomla 5.1 no longer loads the bootstrap modal module in the backend (at least in the Joomla menu), SobiPro now loads the bootstrap modal module in the backend for Joomla 5+ itself.

2.5.1 Build 4 (02 May 2024)

(+) Configuration key search.fulltext added (FULLTEXT search yet wrongly implemented)
(+) Configuration key calendar.showzerotext added
(+) The automatic wildcard search can be switched off
(+) Icon print added

(!) General search input box only shows the field's placeholder (self-made placeholder removed)
(!) 'max. Categories per Entry' renamed to 'No. of selectable categories' as this setting is related only to the specific category field
(!) As read access to the database is faster with MyISAM, especially for larger databases, existing sobipro_field_data and sobipro_language tables will no longer be changed to InnoDB.
(!) Installation on Joomla 5.1.x possible
(!) The SobiPro 2.5 series will be the last series made for with Joomla 3 and PHP 7.4
(!) New SobiPro installations use again MyISAM for the tables sobipro_field_data and sobipro_language, as InnoDB is significantly slower in reading larger data amounts
(!) After clicking 'Save' in front-end entry form, the button will be disabled to avoid double click
(!) The store data from field are no longer considered; only the POST data are used
(!) Includes DirgisKedar 1.1.2
(!) Template texts

(#) Adding/editing an entry from backend does not add the section id in the object table
(#) For new entries, the data were cleared before save (error introduced in Beta)
(#) Datepicker position on small devices corrected
(#) W3C Markup error corrected
(#) No error if SPGetRelationsPath is wrong (after restoring from Akeeba Backup)
(#) Javascript error if the search box was removed from template
(#) New lines in field notices were shown as \r\n
(#) Special select lists are no longer automatically set to 'required'
(#) Javascript error if editing a category after installation of poorly written template
(#) Custom ALT image tag not applied if entry is added/edited from frontend
(#) in case of error in save entry form, the cached data were not checked for different entries

2.5 Build 2 (23 February 2024)

(+) Buttons for entry delete/publish/unpublish/approve added to vCards
(+) Multiple fixed categories can be set in category field separated by comma
(+) The URL for adding a repository is pre-populated with ''
(+) Possibility to show a help text/description in back-end for settings

(!) Sobi::DefLang() returns on back-end the administrator language
(!) No edit or manage buttons if entry is expired (manage.xsl)
(!) Template preview image improved
(!) 'orderingfromrequest' as template JSON key to get ordering from request
(!) The BeforeStoreEntry() method got a third parameter with template configuration
(!) The BeforeSubmitEntry() method got a second parameter with template configuration
(!) Handling of reCaptcha improved
(!) Includes default7 template version 7.2
(!) Several (field) messages in back-end are separated by a line feed
(!) Includes DirgisKedar 1.1.1
(!) Remove the call stack data which logs the error
(!) Live site to 'Requested URI' in error logs added
(!) 'url' added to types list in entry and category model
(!) Joomla menu item text improved
(!) Toolbar subtexts for sections improved
(!) Global method Sobi::createDatepickerLangFile() instead of SPHtml_Input::createLangFile()
(!) New SobiPro installations use InnoDB for the tables sobipro_field_data and sobipro_language, as InnoDB supports FULLTEXT since 5.6 (10.0.14)
(!) Conversion of the tables sobipro_field_data and sobipro_language to InnoDB, as InnoDB supports FULLTEXT since 5.6 (10.0.14)
(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate
(!) Demo version renamed to trial version

(#) Joomla3 does not have the user identity loaded on front-end; load now explicitly
(#) Wrong message text if entry was deleted from front-end
(#) The class set in the general field settings no longer affects the backend entry form
(#) Shortening of the field name in back-end view was wrong
(#) After saving a field in another language, view switches back to default language (multi-lingual mode only)
(#) Field options were not saved in another language (multilingual mode only)
(#) The original image was not deleted when the image shall be cropped
(#) Resizing of icon image improved
(#) The fields' submit() method did not return potentially changed data
(#) Edit configuration (_tCfg) did not contain edit parameters on submit and save
(#) Error messages of reCaptcha handled like field messages
(#) reCaptcha did not work
(#) The entry ssid was not added to the URL in case cookies were switched off
(#) Some back-end texts used for front-end, added to front-end language file
(#) cleanCategories() did not delete the categories file
(#) Error log links did not open in new window
(#) 'Passing null to parameter #3 ... is deprecated' when loading an image
(#) Notices when installing an application
(#) Notices when searching
(#) Error when entry is not for free
(#) Unpublished subcategories were shown
(#) Fixed category value of category field was still removed on entry save
(#) Toolbar was shown on Joomla 4/5 and demo version for modal windows
(#) Using the crawler via cron was not possible
(#) Error in router if SobiPro itemId was not set
(#) Sub-folders from tmp/edit were not removed by clean caches
(#) Double slashes in link to minified JavaScript file
(#) Saving an entry in a language other than the default failed
(#) No 404 redirect, if a deleted entry/category is called
(#) Post data was not retrieved in BeforeStoreEntry() in the template

2.4 Build 4 (17 November 2023)

(+) UpdateDB23() on SobiPro updates limited to versions below 2.3.99 (spinstall.php)
(+) Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 added to front-end fonts
(+) Field label shown in entries manager (show in admin list) will be truncated; length can be set by entry.listfieldlength

(!) A primary category always has to be set
(!) Object table extended by section value
(!) Includes DirgisKedar 1.1
(!) Handling for entries without categories
(!) Trigger 'CountVisit' extended by reset parameter
(!) New method SobiPro::TemplateTxt() to load strings from the default template language file
(!) Content of script file of template settings included in the template config XML file
(!) Limiting KEY to max 100 chars in SQL installation file (spinstaller.sql)
(!) Limiting KEY to max 100 chars in SobiPro update file (spinstall.php)
(!) Input field settings 'Numerical' and 'Untranslatable' moved to general field settings
(!) Maximum Joomla version to install SobiPro set to 5.0.99
(!) CDN version of Font Awesome 5 set to v5.15.4
(!) Font Awesome 5 font for category icons set to v5.15.4
(!) Backend Font for Joomla 3 is Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 (dirgiskedarfont removed)
(!) Local Bootstrap 4 version for front-end updated to v4.6.2
(!) Local Bootstrap 5 version for front-end updated to v5.3.2
(!) Saving ordering and limit in back-end is now section-dependent

(#) Popovers with different href set did not open the link
(#) Procedure SPGetRelationsPath was not removed from database when uninstalling SobiPro
(#) Several changes for markup validity of back-end
(#) Handling the error case that no category was selected
(#) Error if an encrypted email is not set
(#) If cloning a category, the cloned category wasn't checked in
(#) When editing an entry/category the global object cache (for dashboard) was not cleared
(#) Invalid entries/categories were shown in dashboard
(#) Fixed category value of category field was removed on entry save
(#) Preselect feature added to categories of type 'Populated Select List'
(#) Sorting order of popular entries/categories wrong
(#) Input::translate() handled the value 0 wrongly
(#) Update database on installation did not execute the newer changes when upgrading from SobiPro 1
(#) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property com_sobiproInstallerScript::$release
(#) PHP 8 compatibility
(#) template.xsd file corrected
(#) Saving template.xml file corrected
(#) Cell styles of action log table corrected
(#) Saving ordering and limit in back-end did not set the request correctly
(#) Support for old templates also effects backend buttons
(#) Silent exception, as sometimes the PDO cache execute() fails once after SobiPro update
(#) Handling of invalid entries in search and listing views were missing

2.3.6 Build 3 (15 September 2023)

(!) In backend entry form, the category field shows now also unpublished categories
(!) Different categories tree cache vars for front- and backend
(!) Loading categories tree in backend, does no longer read from/write to the categories tree file
(!) Updated jQuery to jQuery 3.7.1 and jQuery Migrate 3.4.1
(!) Installation on Joomla 4.4.x possible

(#) Cleaning section cache did not clean the categories tree file and cache
(#) Section for existing menu links is not selected (again)
(#) Wrong error message about name field after installation
(#) Required was set for category field even if it is not required
(#) Removed tags from plain text in email and url field (url, label) and image field (alt tag)
(#) Showed the raw data instead of data for textarea
(#) PHP 8 compatibility
(#) Cache for javascript files did not work

2.3.5 Build 4 (18 August 2023)

(!) Renamed 'SobiPro Header Plugin' to 'SobiPro 2 Header Plugin' (description only)

(#) PHP 8 compatibility fixes (error_reporting) (Issue #245)
(#) Changing the name field failed partially
(#) Error was thrown if an image field with no images set is imported by Imex
(#) The name field needed to have the alias 'field_name' ('no name' problem)
(#) Duplicate Template: template function name wrong if new name contains spaces (Issue #244)
(#) Renaming repository file failed for new SobiPro installations
(#) Repository unusable if renaming repository file failed (trying to rename it again)

2.3.4 Build 5 (27 July 2023)

(+) If an XML element of type 'output' in backend is longer than 90 characters, the height will be unset (dk-textarea), assuming more than one line
(+) Support for additional entry form templates (e.g. for packages). They will be merged with default entry form template.

(!) Fields, get with getTypedFields(), are ordered by position by default
(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.11
(!) Dashboard trigger names improved

(#) Introtext and icons of a category not available if installed with a template
(#) Categories got introtext from sub-categories if installed with a template
(#) A given category alias was not used if installed with a template
(#) Did no longer use class Sobi when instantiating the current user
(#) Options of select, radio and checkbox fields are not available if installed with a template
(#) Sometimes section cannot be deleted because it falsely reports existing categories
(#) As ob_start() was missing in payment view, the payment summary modal window was not shown if output buffering has no value set
(#) Categories of an entry were no longer evaluated (Issue #242)
(#) Terms and price fields can now be set to required (although it is not necessary)
(#) Downloaded error file did not contain the call stacks correctly
(#) No removal of the server path in the downloaded error file for the error-triggering files
(#) Update from SobiPro 1 to 2 failed; old lang.php file has to be removed.
(#) Avoid error in case no name is given (entry model)

2.3.3 Build 0 (15 June 2023)

(#) Error on Joomla 3 if no user was logged in on frontend

2.3.2 Build 0 (13 June 2023)

(!) Name and priority of update servers changed

(#) Still some problems with left side menu
(#) Get current user on Joomla 3 did no longer work

2.3.1 Build 0 (12 June 2023)

(!) Trigger 'addSectionSPAdmSiteMenu' renamed to 'SectionNameAdmMenu'
(!) Trigger 'addCustomSPAdmSiteMenu' renamed to 'CustomAdmMenu'

(#) As section not always on first position, sometimes wrong category path
(#) New menu structure does not work with old applications -> compatibility code added

2.3 Build 3 (02 June 2023)

(+) Trademark signs added
(+) Additional methods for user handling added
(+) Support for Voting application added
(+) Support for price and terms fields added

(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.10
(!) Revised menu structure
(!) Menu tasks from applications are displayed smaller and brighter
(!) Core menu tasks are always displayed above application menu tasks
(!) Application menu tasks are sorted alphabetically
(!) SobiPro's own user groups are handled only if 'user.sobipro_groups' is set

(-) User handling for Joomla versions below 3 removed

(#) Integrated payment plugins missing plugin task 'adm.*'
(#) The saved search results (ssid) did not distinguish between sections
(#) Trigger 'EntryAdmView' was missing
(#) Special characters in template names were handled wrongly when duplicating
(#) Placeholder for inbox, textarea and button fields handled wrongly
(#) SobiPro tried to store Joomla errors if the term 'sobipro' is in the path

2.2.3 Build 4 (28 April 2023)

(+) Deleting all items of the action logging table
(+) Configuration key map.order added
(+) Several direction icons added

(!) New action logging for applications
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 2.1.4

(#) Class Sobi no longer necessary for SPUser
(#) Visitor only could not be set for affected user groups in ACL
(#) System messages are no longer shown after clearing

(#) Cache needs to be cleared after saving panel configuration
(#) Term 'joomla' could not be used in path
(#) Checking if class Sobi exists triggered autoloader (only if a system file could not be loaded)
(#) Category names were not shown on frontend by default

2.2.2 Build 3 (04 April 2023)

(+) Data types for action logging for Imex

(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.9

(#) Node attribute @primary for categories missing in listing views
(#) Selected tabs not remembered correctly
(#) Bug in search highlight script
(#) Only content of Sqlite cache will be cleaned now (HY000 SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8)
(#) Unapproved extended search values were considered in search

2.2.1 Build 3 (08 March 2023)

(+) Possibility to set a fix height or width for images by leaving the variable part empty
(+) Category image selection window shows the current image path
(+) Category name shown in title bar of Categories and Entries Manager

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 2.1.3
(!) Methods cleanExif() and delImage() of the image field set to public (Imex can call them)
(!) Method parseName() set to public for all fields (Imex can call)

(#) It was no longer possible to clear the title of an email field
(#) SobiPro not accessible if installation of a plugin failed terribly
(#) Application installer was no longer able to copy files (installation failed with success message)
(#) Custom installation script adapted to Joomla installer class

2.2 Build 6 (17 February 2023)

(+) New global menu section 'Maintenance' for maintenance actions
(+) Only users with admin rights have access to 'Maintenance'
(+) New menu 'Cleanup', containing database checks and removal of wrong table items (Beta!)
(+) SobiPro's Joomla ACL extended by 'Configure Options Only' action
(+) Duplicating and deleting a template will be logged now

(!) Error logs and system check moved to new menu section 'Maintenance'
(!) Global cache cleaning moved to new menu 'Cleanup'
(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.8
(!) Access rights to ACL changed from 'Configure Options' to 'Configure ACL' (admin rights)
(!) Access rights to templates changed from 'Manage Applications' to 'Configure Options'
(!) Less compiler updated to version 3.2.0 (Less 2.5.3 compatible)
(!) PHP 8.2 compatibility fixes
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 2.1.2
(!) Minimum size of id in template definition file changed from 5 to 3
(!) Complete revision of option handling for select, multiselect, radio and checkbox fields

(#) Error when adding data to the field in categories
(#) SobiPro's html header is not set if 'Add Suffix to URL' is set in Joomla (Issue #239)
(#) Left menu does not always consider the user rights
(#) Action log shows links to ACL and fields even if the user does not have the rights to access
(#) No ACL alias created if a new rule was added manually
(#) Creation date in template definition file wrong for duplicated templates
(#) Changed __sobipro_errors->errIp to hold IPv6 addresses
(#) Clean cache var 'cpanel_history' if new history item is added
(#) When deleting system messages, its cache will also be cleaned
(#) Logging of copying fields to another section was wrong
(#) When duplicating a field or copy it to another section option values were gone
(#) ACL rule for newly created section contained 'Super Users'
(#) Settings of automatically created Name and Category fields were wrong for newly created sections
(#) Edit screen for creating a new section was not correctly adapted
(#) Showing 'No name' for entries
(#) If mysqli error reporting is enabled and the requested operation fails, a mysqli_sql_exception is thrown which was not catched (missing procedures)
(#) Bug in search highlight script
(#) Settings in 'Link Type' of Joomla menu were visible
(#) Dynamic plugin tasks won't be executed if no other plugin task is available

2.1.4 Build 3 (31 December 2022)

(+) Button to clear system messages
(+) Button to clean all caches and temporary files explicitly in global configuration
(+) Better compatibility with old templates (compatibility files in storage/legacy)
(+) New custom event 'spUploadCompleted' when file upload has completed (vanilla only)

(!) SobiPro does no longer add messages to Joomla screens
(!) SSL error no longer added to the messages files but to the system messages
(!) Updates message added to the system messages
(!) Updates message will be shown only in dashboard
(!) System message pane opens if messages are available
(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.7
(!) Folders tmp/files and tmp/install will be deleted by cleaning global caches
(!) Cleaning global caches will delete files and folders recursively

(#) Colours of system message table corrected
(#) Usage of reserved word 'row' in MySQL procedure (reserved since MySQL 8.0.2)
(#) Error if saving entry with multiselect field

2.1.3 Build 0 (30 November 2022)

(+) Script html5sortable by Lukas Oppermann added; will be loaded always

(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate
(!) Custom event BeforeAjaxSubmit added in vanilla js as BeforeAxSubmit

(#) Add database error message to error messages while installing SobiPro
(#) SobiPro system messaging gives fatal error (e.g. if certificate expired)

2.1.2 Build 2 (21 November 2022)

(#) Workaround to get entry name for new entries if image is set before name field
(#) Template user type 'Visitor' was wrongly evaluated. Available user types: 'Administrator','Registered' and 'Visitor'
(#) Letter '0' (zero) of alpha index was not shown in the headings (Issue ##236)
(#) Replacement of _QQ_ corrected
(#) Unauthorised access for paid entries and SEF on (Issue #237)
(#) Duplicating a field overwrote specific field data of the original field
(#) Error calling saveToDatabase() for select fields
(#) Section for existing menu links with category sid is not selected

2.1.1 Build 6 (31 October 2022)

(+) Change action 'action' added to set the action from application
(+) ShowActionLog event is able to modify params data
(+) Copying storage files to the template will be logged
(+) Action log shows the source (application) of the action
(+) Icons folder-close and eye-close added
(+) Fields textarea, email and url can be set to untranslatable

(-) B/C changes for Profile Field (commit #a0ac7383) removed

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 2.1.1
(!) Includes Dirgis Kedar 1.0.5
(!) Installation on Joomla 4.3.x possible
(!) Encrypted fields will always be set to 'not searchable'

(#) Metadata were not shown
(#) Field actions from the list result in error while showing the message
(#) PHP 8.1 warnings when creating a new section
(#) Error saving entry if action logging is switched off
(#) Error discarding entry changes while reject an entry
(#) Icon missing for sub-categories in category image selection
(#) If duplicating a category, the original category will now be checked in
(#) Images as category fields weren't been shown after saving
(#) If duplicating a category, image category fields weren't duplicated
(#) Map does not resize in entry form if initial form tab is not first tab
(#) Data of email field was not always returned correctly
(#) Uninstalling an application does not delete its files
(#) Several trigger names were created wrongly (e.g. 'AfterApprove')
(#) Search by checkbox and multi select lists didn't get results
(#) If category field is the only extended field, no results were shown

2.1 Build 9 (26 September 2022)

(+) SobiCore javascript method Post() extended by HTML/Text responses
(+) New method Sobi::Title() to add or set the browser title via template
(+) Template functions AddTitle() and SetTitle() added to template.php
(+) Possibility to delete a cache by task
(+) Site globally evaluated (data-site)
(+) Icons clone and square added
(+) Constant SOBI_DEFADMLANG for default administrator language added

(!) PHP 8.1 compatibility
(!) Browser title generation in backend revised
(!) Store different entry_struct cache for special view (all fields)
(!) Primary cache for object cache extended by type
(!) Non-numerical inbox fields will be treated as string in select lists (e.g. search)
(!) Ajax url for entry form, file upload and image crop changed to SPLiveSite+'index.php'
(!) Action parameter no longer used from template configuration files and always set to live site
(!) Javascript constant 'sobipro' will be evaluated additionally from id
(!) History shows translated field type name

(#) Applications installation log files had wrong paths
(#) Name fields containing 'name' in the alias were sorted wrongly on frontend
(#) Second payment modal window showed wrong items as selected after changing the selection
(#) Missing browser and toolbar title for Entries Manager in backend
(#) Edit form uses now the action link from the ini file
(#) Section view does no longer overwrite the canonical url if override is set
(#) Javascript url now contains the section (font was always set to default)
(#) Uncaught ReferenceError if datepicker is used only as timepicker (how??)
(#) A valid until date could not be cleared
(#) Multiple messages at once were not shown
(#) Section for existing menu links is not selected
(#) Group labels will be translated now
(#) Changing state of single rule wrote wrong action log
(#) Error saving new multiselect field
(#) All action logs from all languages will now be shown
(#) Undefined logging constant when changing required state from list (Issue #233)

2.0.3 Build 4 (02 August 2022)

(+) Method to sort given entries
(+) autoComplete library 10.2.7 added
(+) Tagin library v2.0.2 library added
(+) Icons envelope, share, signout, signin, checked and unchecked added

(!) Tagin v2.0.2 extended by the event triggers 'tagin:tagAdded' and 'tagin:beforeRemove'
(!) Tagin v2.0.2 extended by the options for max. chars each tag, max number of tags, adding tags allowed
(!) autoComplete library is always loaded
(!) Installation on Joomla 4.2.x possible
(!) Content of inbox fields will be trimmed if filter 'email' should be applied

(#) Required/installed version shown wrong on installation of applications
(#) Email address will be trimmed
(#) Warning on installation of applications
(#) Email field encryption caused fatal error (Issue #228)
(#) Joomla menu item could be saved without a section selected
(#) Category image selection on PHP8 throws error (Issue #230)

2.0.2 Build 5 (21 June 2022)

(+) SobiCore javascript library extended by CreateRequest() and Post() methods

(-) List with javascript files to exclude from minifying removed

(!) tooltips.js and adm.tooltips.js combined
(!) Several more javascript files minified
(!) Only javascript files within the usr/templates folders will be minified if 'Minify Files' is set for javascript files

(#) Icon and button style/colour wrong for available applications in Application Manager
(#) Can't redirect to SEF URLs starting with index.php
(#) Close button in SigsiuModalBox on wrong side for Bootstrap 2
(#) Warning on non-multilingual sites for legend's translatable message (backend)
(#) HTML output for switches corrected
(#) HTML output for Bootstrap 2 corrected/adapted to Bootstrap 2 responsive
(#) Warning if an image file does no longer exist fixed
(#) HTML output for checkbox groups have container doubled
(#) Checkbox group and radio fields options not marked as translatable
(#) Default field value (key) for select, multiselect, checkbox and radio fields not checked for correct syntax
(#) Prevent default action for popovers in backend missing
(#) WYSIWYG does not work with Bootstrap 2

2.0.1 Build 2 (20 May 2022)

(!) Ripe database URL changed to
(!) Templates storage and front template can no longer be duplicated
(!) Evaluation of Bootstrap version extracted to specific JS file loaded always
(!) Database conversion on installation will only be done if updating from a SobiPro version below 2.0

(-) SobiPro 1.1 listing compatibility check removed

(#) Templates storage and front template can no longer be removed
(#) Missing texts in template settings
(#) Search highlighting does not highlight words for default7 template
(#) Datepicker position wrong on Bootstrap 2 and 3
(#) Range layout wrong for Bootstrap 2 and 3

2.0 Build 50 (25 April 2022)

(+) Logging for adding permissions via application added
(+) Possibility to load only the Bootstrap styles (css) and not the javascript file

(#) Section wrong if entry is fetched from a different section
(#) Line breaks in the description are no longer shown
(#) Work around for line breaks in description (if you want to format the shown text, use HTML)
(#) The entry an entry is cloned from will be checked in now
(#) Preview image styles corrected
(#) Numerical fields do not show up in the sorting lists
(#) Entry name in action log wrong if name field is not the first field
(#) Tooltips of extension status not shown
(#) Disabling application globally does not show the application name
(#) Params are not stored for new fields
(#) Button type of SigsiuModalBox for Bootstrap 3 wrong
(#) SigsiuModalBox does not close on Bootstrap 3
(#) Less file will only be compiled if files are copied to the template
(#) Adding permissions via application failed
(#) Bootstrap framework loaded although set to none

2.0 RC 4 Build 45 (29 March 2022)

(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates

(!) If Bootstrap version cannot be recognized, Bootstrap 5 is used

(#) Language button not correctly aligned on mobile views
(#) Installation and removal of modules and languages were not logged in the action log

SobiPro 2.0 RC 3 Build 41 (11 March 2022)

(+) Label width in backend entry form can be set to 0-3 in administrator configuration
(+) Legend element for administrator templates

(#) Creation of dropdown button for saving an entry in backend wrong
(#) Save entry dropdown list in backend not visible if history is switched off or set to conservative
(#) After deletion of the entry history no history note can be added for first successive save action
(#) Saving language dependent field settings in multilingual mode wrong

SobiPro 2.0 RC 2 Build 38 (24 February 2022)

(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager, configuration and categories (multilingual mode only)
(+) Redirect Urls are now translatable
(+) Filter messages are now translatable

(!) When saving data from backend, it saves only in the set backend language if multilingual mode is on.

(#) tree script unminified as it throws errors
(#) Template compilation error message not translated
(#) Save the field specific parameters also for new fields
(#) Custom filters cannot be deleted
(#) Issue with loading classes after wakeup

SobiPro 2.0 RC 1 Build 33 (01 February 2022)

(+) Tag element possible for applications manifest file for e.g. beta, stable tags
(+) New general script SigsiuModalBox for simple modal windows
(+) Installation path 'Library'
(+) Support for copying application's template files from the storage to the template
(+) text/xml added to the list of allowed file types
(+) Trigger added to log actions from applications

(-) Bootbox removed
(-) Old Joomla 1.5 tooltip class removed; SobiPro::Tooltip() returns removed message

(!) Image path will be created with {id} only
(!) The image prefixes 'img_' and 'thumb_' will be added automatically and are no longer part of the fields' image name setting
(!) Placeholder {entryname} for images will be converted to nid rules to avoid wrong characters in path
(!) Handling of empty repository extension list
(!) Method lang() in non-multilingual mode does not get the default language anymore, but the used language
(!) Loading method of Bootstrap via CDN improved
(!) Language detection improvement for not translated options (select, checkbox, radio)
(!) Method to get available languages changed to be compatible with Joomla 4

(#) Image field creation date got lost when changing the image
(#) General CSS class is not set for new fields
(#) Some non required elements are still marked as required (backend)
(#) Frontend modal boxes don't work for Bootstrap < 5
(#) Remember note if entry could not be saved works now
(#) Not possible to add category fields
(#) field options (checkbox group, radio buttons, select lists ) are not shown in backend if backend language is different than default language (= frontend language)
(#) Button icon is created wrong
(#) Accepted file types list wrong for upload of a dependency file for a select field
(#) Select list label does not break up the label variable %s
(#) Missing switch script for dependency/regular field options added
(#) Width of fields in category edit form corrected wrongly
(#) If last tab in fields manager was for category fields, the new field button content was wrong
(#) Method to load jquery via Joomla corrected (Joomla 3 and 4)
(#) If the repository is installed without subscription, the action log shows -900001 as subscription number

SobiPro 2.0 Beta 1 Build 21 (9 November 2021)

(!) Comparison of configuration core and override file improved
(!) Some more javascript files minified
(!) Boolean values are now written as false/true in configuration file (Issue #215)
(!) Quality of sample data images reduced to 50% to save space in the package
(!) Javascript minifying is on by default
(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate

(#) Warning with image field (scandir)
(#) Section name will not automatically add for category views, except section main view (Issue #195)
(#) If a field should not be shown in entry form, also the label won't be shown
(#) method_exists called with wrong parameter (Issue #217)
(#) The system check changes a memory limit of -1 (unlimited) to 1 and reports it as too low

SobiPro 2.0 Alpha 2 Build 18 (19 October 2021)

(!) Update Server changed to SobiPro2.xml
(!) Action Logging removed from demo version
(!) Database relation errors only shown in debug mode
(!) Already compressed javascript files are excluded automatically from minifying
(!) Corrections for Safari browsers

(#) Error on installing for PDO drivers; PDO drivers do not support real_query nor stored procedures
(#) Browser title not being set (Issue #208)
(#) Several warnings and notices in entry form fixed (Issue #210)
(#) Shows an error for a field only once in back-end entry form
(#) Custom background utilities missing in Dirgiskedar
(#) PHP8 error for image field (Issue #214)
(#) Fields which are not editable, are not validated correctly for new entries (Issue #191)
(#) Redirection message missing for save redirections (Issue #182)
(#) Missing semicolon in some javascript files
(#) Some non required elements are marked as required (backend)
(#) Image field: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
(#) Deleting category counter does not work
(#) Changing field state with enabled Data Accelerator and PHP 8 (workaround) (Issue #209)
(#) Links to categories from the latest categories list are wrong
(#) If no applications are in repository, the list of available applications is not cleared

SobiPro 2.0 Alpha 1 Build 13 (01 October 2021)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Accessibility styles added for back-end elements
(+) XML conditions now support 'and' and 'or'
(+) Bootstrap 4.6 added for front-end; settings to select Bootstrap changed
(+) Bootstrap 5.1.1 added for front-end; settings to select Bootstrap changed
(+) New method to create icon depending on a selected font; available also for template
(+) Support for '.linc' files (included LESS files which should not be compiled separately)
(+) Support of XML include files for back-end templates
(+) Sobi::Txt() supports several texts combined with +
(+) Separate placeholder texts for inbox and textarea
(+) Checkboxes with switch style (Bootstrap 4 and 5 only)
(+) Floating labels for inbox and textarea (Bootstrap 5 only)
(+) Floating title labels for url, button and email field (Bootstrap 5 only)
(+) Publishing date and list date formats to set up in global configuration instead ini configuration file
(+) Tristate buttons in back-end
(+) Custom alt tag text for images possible
(+) Placeholders in alt tag text for images usable
(+) Extended search type/method 'inbox' available for input and textarea fields
(+) jQuery 3.6.0 and jQuery Migrate 3.3.2 added
(+) Possibility to sort sections list by id
(+) Compatibility scripts and texts added for old templates
(+) Switch added to support old templates (however, full support is not possible)
(+) Configuration file handling from within SobiPro Global Configuration
(+) Separate configuration page for dashboard settings
(+) Number of shown entries/categories in dashboard adjustable
(+) Correct status items are hideable
(+) Last items of history/logging shown in dashboard (action log)
(+) All action log items are shown in global configuration
(+) Added as actions: application, category, section, field and acl handling

(-) Constant DS and its usages removed
(-) Deprecated classes SPRemote, SPFile, SPImage, SPArchive, SPDirectory and SPDirectoryIterator removed; use Framework methods instead
(-) Deprecated method Sobi::Init() removed; use Sobi::Initialise() instead
(-) Deprecated method Sobi::LoadLangFile() removed
(-) Database alterations removed from update installer file. Last version of SobiPro 1.x is necessary.
(-) Bootstraps unminified files removed
(-) Javascript file tooltip.js removed
(-) Javascript file responsive-tabs.js removed
(-) Removed media/css/datepicker.css. Frontend datepicker styles are now included in theme.less.
(-) Removed media/css/tree.css. Frontend tree styles are now included in theme.less.
(-) Removed generation of XML attributes with underline as deprecated since SobiPro 1.1
(-) Last queries which updated the name column in object table removed
(-) Category description and introtext no longer stored additionally in the category table
(-) Folder Media/adm/legacy (images) removed
(-) Folder Media/css/calendar (coloured styles) removed
(-) File ajax-loader.gif removed
(-) Entry history shows only items with possible data changes (other are shown in action log)

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 2.0 Alpha 1
(!) Legacy support for old style (SobiPro 1.0) administrator templates droppped
(!) Backend Bootstrap version changed from 2 to 5
(!) Font Awesome backend icons changed from version 3 to 5
(!) Systemcheck error handling corrected
(!) Systemcheck progress bar calculation corrected
(!) Color picker updated to 2.4.5 and author added to credits pane
(!) Administrator templates: dateFormat=ini:<format-key> changed to dateFormat=cfg:<format-key>
(!) New file repository.2.0.xml as repository certificate expired
(!) SobiPro data in Joomla's header area are moved to SobiPro's toolbar
(!) All Fonts can be loaded at the same time
(!) Filter type for default website field set to 'Website w/o Protocol'
(!) Usage of Font Awesome5 Free for category icons and as default front-end icons
(!) Default city field set to US format
(!) Suffixes for radio and check boxes are now appended to the option label
(!) Description position setting now in fields manager
(!) Added grid width to checkbox group and radio buttons to allow description on right side
(!) Values for options in line setting of checkbox group and radio buttons now all in line or not (adjust with grid width)
(!) PHP settings and warnings moved from image field to SobiPro status in cpanel
(!) SobiPro status in cpanel improved
(!) Own repository files for SobiPro 2.x
(!) Duplicate template processes now 3 nesting levels (CSS/sub folder) for namespace replacement
(!) Less compiler updated to version 3.1.0 (Less 2.5.3 compatible)
(!) Improved accessibility
(!) Separate tooltips.js file for front-end
(!) Saving general configuration changes config.json and less/css files to add framework and font versions
(!) Now all framework widths can be chosen from the fields configuration. Subtract label width if you have a two column layout.
(!) The field description (help text) will be shown in back-end as set in the field's help text position.
(!) Only applications for SobiPro 2.x can be installed
(!) New entry validation layout and error handling (front- and backend)
(!) Template storage folder not shown in the list of available SobiPro templates
(!) Separate accessibility texts file
(!) Setting for basic template development support (fields highlighting) moved to template settings
(!) Revision of the datepicker to work with all Bootstrap and font versions and to support accessibility
(!) Normalizing CSS moved to template settings
(!) History: date of currently loaded revision uses publishing format
(!) History: modification dates use publishing format
(!) Router adapted to work with J4 too
(!) Database table adaptions (default setting)
(!) Joomla caching switched off while crawling site
(!) Cleaning a section also removes JS and CSS cache files
(!) Font Awesome 3 local removed
(!) jQuery Highlight updated to 3.5.0
(!) jnmenu.js renamed to joomla-menu.js
(!) jQuery based 3rd party javascript files moved to folder Jquery
(!) 3rd party javascript files moved to folder Tps
(!) jQuery Diff updated to 1.0.4 and Diff Match and Patch to 2018 version
(!) Ticker values 'editable' and 'free' are not changeable via list ticker anymore
(!) Control Panel renamed to Dashboard
(!) History/Logging extended to be able to log others than entry actions
(!) By default all shown dates include the time offset as set in Joomla
(!) Improvement of history and comparisons

(#) Division by zero if repository file 'repository.xml' not available
(#) General class label for URL and Button fields could not be changed
(#) Classes in entry form for textarea fields corrected
(#) Compiling theme.less will always compress the generated CSS file (not only if compiled from template settings)
(#) Template JSON files were read two times
(#) Entry form restore also restores the state of paid fields correctly
(#) Corrected filter of pre-installed website field
(#) Position value of new category fields corrected
(#) Checked out marker for entries are not shown in Categories & Entries (only in All Entries)
(#) Check in time of categories and entries does not consider the time offset
(#) Alias of a category field of type 'populated select list' may now contain several underscores
(#) Initial history corrected (Issue #174)
(#) Backend ACL for non-super users corrected

SobiPro (29 December 2021)

(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate

SobiPro 1.6.5 (11 November 2021)

(!) Repository certificate data changed to reflect new SSL certificate

(#) PHP8 compatibility problems
(#) Fields which are not editable, are not validated correctly for new entries (Issue #191)
(#) Redirection message missing for save redirections (Issue #182)
(#) PHP 8 and cache problems (Issue #216)
(#) method_exists called with wrong parameter (Issue #217)

SobiPro 1.6.4 (28 May 2021)

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.5
(!) Only applications for SobiPro 1.x can be installed
(!) Database normalisation re-worked; takes care now of default values and data types (Framework)

(#) Category sorting order wrong in search
(#) Image field required validation corrected
(#) Unapproved entries aren't shown in alpha index even if permission is set to do (Issue #190)

SobiPro 1.6.3 (26 February 2021)

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.4

(#) After custom BeforeStoreEntry() method call, the store data were overwritten by post data (Issue #181)
(#) If image or category field alias contains additional term 'field_' upload won't work
(#) Too few arguments to function SPExceptionHandler()
(#) If a predefined search is missing the general search term, the results message may be wrong

SobiPro 1.6.2 (15 December 2020)

(-) Joomla 1.5 legacy code removed

(!) Numerical fields are sorted also numerically in back-end (filter)
(!) All back-end sorting functions are able to handle numerical sorting
(!) Improved installation script; Stop installation if server/site does not meet PHP, Joomla, previous SobiPro version
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.3
(!) If search results are sorted by fields, fields where the sorting field is not set are shown at the end

(#) Fallback function mimeFromShell does no longer work for Linux based servers
(#) (strict) Fixes for newer MySQL versions
(#) Show correct icon in datepicker when icon-xx is set
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) Field columns in back-end are shown only for enabled fields
(#) If only filter fields are set in search, a wildcard search is performed automatically now works correctly
(#) Consistency of field sorting methods
(#) Entry fields setting for categories not preset on initial installation

SobiPro 1.6.1 (30 September 2020)

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.2
(!) Also if paid fields are for free (back-end, admin) they will be added to the payments table
(!) SobiPro update adds the subscription token to the new repository.xml file
(!) New file repository.1.6.xml as repository certificate expired

(#) Even if WEBP usage is switched off (again) fallback is made for already uploaded WEBP images
(#) Using WEBP images is set to 'no' by default
(#) sp-normalize.css and bootstrap.css (Bootstrap 2) missing
(#) Trimming all string data from values on template installation
(#) If parent category is set to section in object table (Imex problem) reset it to 0 to get variable primary categories
(#) IP values if not known are no longer false links
(#) Wrong message shown if fetch updates is not yet performed; message improved
(#) Purge does not work (Issue #176)
(#) Fixes for latest MySQL version for existing tables
(#) Fonts selection for category edit form not correct
(#) Sub folders aren't copied while template installation with section update
(#) Template Installer: Requirements check moved to the beginning
(#) Pasting Urls with protocol in the URL/button field does not remove the protocol
(#) Updating special data for contact and info fields via template does not work
(#) Select list field in entry and search form wrongly created
(#) If a dynamic plugin task is available other plugin tasks weren't executed
(#) SobiPro::Count() function shows also unpublished and unapproved entries

SobiPro 1.6 (31 July 2020)

(+) Possibility to reset and normalize the SobiPro namespace on front-end
(+) Separate changelog for default template
(+) Introducing of semantic versioning
(+) WEBP support (images are additionaly added as webp) with browser fallback if support is not available
(+) webp_quality config key for WEBP images added
(+) Server WEBP support shown in the requirements system check
(+) The edit form shows the file name of uploaded image for image fields (front-end: from user's standpoint)

(!) Default template 6.0 (default6)
(!) Upload file layout in fields manager improved (mobile)
(!) Alt and title tags for image field generated from original filename if available
(!) Range search will work also if range search selection is set from high to low
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.1
(!) Required class for textareas only set to textarea element
(!) 2.! Trigger EntryDelete renamed to EntryAfterDelete and moved to end of delete function
(!) Make more clear that 'add new repository' is same as 'update repository' and emphasize the link to the 'how to'
(!) Some language strings for updating repository improved
(!) Content of general CSS class field not added to the entry form for Button and Url Fields (have their own specific classes to use)
(!) GD Library version shown in requirements system check
(!) Removing temporary folder after image upload

(#) Upload ini files in fields manager does not work
(#) Processing of grouped ini files in fields manager does not work
(#) Empty range search selection handled wrong (Issue #172)
(#) Upload requests are doubled for each image upload within one edit session (Issue #171)
(#) Modal background added twice when updating repository
(#) Parts of the modal window won't be removed if updating repository is cancelled
(#) JResponse::setBody() no longer available
(#) Adding entry directly after applying a filter causes error 500 (Issue #165)
(#) Error messages in template settings screen not always shown due to wrong exception method
(#) PHP 7.4 warning in Joomla menu
(#) Information field does not save (Issue #175)
(#) Cropping images does no longer work

SobiPro (05 June 2020)

(+) Category images selection popup window shows now also the file name of the images

(!) Initialising Framework error messages
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.13

(#) FILTER_SANITIZE_ADD_SLASHES does not work for PHP versions below 7.4

SobiPro 1.5.3 (29 May 2020)

(+) Definition of fields which act as filter in the search (e.g. category, geomap)
(+) If search term input left empty and only filter fields are selected in the extended search, '*' will be used
(+) Template scope data-template added to SobiPro container; used in template
(+) Category preselection in entry form selectable for multiselect and tree methods
(+) Note if category(ies) is(are) preselected
(+) Button in category front-end view to add an entry to current category (selectable in template settings)
(+) Subcategory ordering
(+) Preparing for history logging via Import/Export application
(+) Fields set to numerical are sorted numerically
(+) Mime & file types and template image for webp images added
(+) Webp added to allowed image extensions for category icons

(!) Template version 5.2
(!) Usage of the new template packager alias
(!) Stripping whitespaces for descriptions on template installation
(!) Adding category alias to template schema definition
(!) If cloning an entry, the validSince date will also be set to the updatedTime date
(!) Updated User agent for Crawler to a newer version
(!) Error message if CURL does not work at all
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.12
(!) PHP min version set to 7.1.0; recommended 7.3.17
(!) Range search text

(#) Giving permission to search does not work for sections created by template packager
(#) Entries ordering selection list in wrong configuration page
(#) Possible problems with parsing of placeholders
(#) Problem with category update via template package
(#) Debug output removed
(#) File type cannot be determined on OS Darwin if php function finfo_file not available
(#) Determination of file type via shell command 'file' failed because of wrong options
(#) Error message corrected if determination of file type via file extension failed for temp files
(#) If entries aren't assigned to a category, they can't be purged
(#) Width of installation file upload element reduced
(#) Under certain circumstances the category preselection stores several categories although only one category is allowed
(#) New fields are not visible at frontend entry form (editLimit problem)
(#) Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type x (PHP 7.4 notices)
(#) General configuration values get lost on second save (redirection; commit #6e2518de)

SobiPro 1.5.2 (31 March 2020)

(+) Voting Listener added to the template
(+) Input fields can be set to numerical; will be transferred to XML
(+) Untranslatable setting will be transferred to XML
(+) Possibility to use only local schema definitions
(+) Detailed error message if schema validation failed
(+) Some legacy code for older templates

(!) Ordering entries from front-end with ajax pagination does not reset the number of entries to page one
(!) Consistency in order of alpha menu and messages
(!) Small template improvements
(!) Template version 5.1
(!) Local template installer schema file corrected
(!) Permission to search now given for new sections
(!) Template Installer does no longer read category fields content (use Import/Export Application instead)
(!) A filter set for the field types Email, Url and Button are checking now the data itself instead the label
(!) Back-end suffixes are handled now by the field separately
(!) Textarea and Category fields do no longer support suffixes as it does not make sense
(!) Checkboxgroups and radio buttons have badges for suffixes
(!) Back-end entry/category fields edit form now uses Bootsrap grid system with widths set in the fields
(!) Back-end entry/category fields edit form now uses showLabel as set in the fields
(!) Section alias will be generated from section name, following the rules for creating non-unicode alias

(#) Altering existing search table to use FULLTEXT failed
(#) Notices in search
(#) If using Radius Search, not all results are shown and the limit message is shown wrongly
(#) Search ordering by fields with own SortBy method (e.g. radio, checkbox) does not work
(#) While saving a field, the section id is no longer available (Issue #162)
(#) Problem when importing images/gallery when creating placeholder for primary category
(#) Global category icon size won't be applied for other fonts than FA3
(#) Category table columns `allFields` and `entryFields` not created on fresh installation
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) Notice: Undefined index: in lib/views/adm/parser.php on line 690
(#) Option fields saving routine not quite correct for template installation
(#) Usage of SPGeoMapsReg even if not defined (back-end)
(#) Wrong icon for outdated modules in applications manager
(#) Several bugs fixed for template installation
(#) Notice: Undefined index: in lib/cms/joomla_commen/base/mainframe.php
(#) Select and multiselect lists missing the option name after saving
(#) CSS edit classes for textarea not used in the edit form
(#) Installing a module via SobiPro application manager does not reset the updates.xml file and the panel notification

SobiPro 1.5.1 (31 January 2020)

(+) New trigger OnSort for search sortings applications/fields
(+) Modifications to setCustomOrdering plugin method
(+) Priority (LOW,NORMAL,HIGH) for triggers
(+) Inbox fields set to untranslatable will be saved in all languages for multilingual mode
(+) Example resize code for Leaflet map in tabs or collapsable elements added to the template
(+) Possibility to clean the selected category for Joomla menu items
(+) Template setting for Categories Module added
(+) Possibility to use groups in multi select fields
(+) Setting date.list_format in config.ini to adjust the modified date format in back-end entry and category lists

(!) Show creation date instead modification date in category/entry list, if modification date is zero
(!) Call field's sortData function even if no search will be performed on it to give it the chance to clear its data
(!) jQuery updated to v2.2.4 and jQuery Migrate to v1.4.1
(!) Alter tables field_option and field_option_selected to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Category json-cache stored now in sub folder
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.11
(!) Search results database storage size increased to LONGTEXT

(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) Directory item in topmenu not selected
(#) SobiPro topmenu does not use Joomla menu items for search and add if available (Issue #158)
(#) PHP 7.3 deprecated warnings
(#) JS error if search highlight is switched off
(#) Some field settings are not saved for new fields
(#) Alpha index causes storage of section-wide categories for one section in cache
(#) In certain situations a wrong path to current section could be saved
(#) Wrong request for icon chooser (category; backend)
(#) Category dependent alpha listings don't work with cache switched on
(#) Missing category name from specific views for category dependent alpha listings (search,section)
(#) False SSL validation error message
(#) Switching alpha index results in database error
(#) Big files cannot be uploaded via Framework; switched back to proprietary method for general uploader
(#) Category json-cache not written correctly
(#) Category json-cache not cleaned on cache clean
(#) Section id for categories not saved in category table
(#) Untranslatable set for category fields
(#) Untranslatable set for non-multilingual sites results in not saving the field's content
(#) Priority results array not unique
(#) Select lists with groups are improper formatted after saving a select/multiselect field
(#) Duplicating radio, checkbox, select and multi select fields didn't duplicate the options
(#) Duplicating info field didn't duplicate the information texts
(#) Description and suffix are not duplicated on field's duplication
(#) Field options didn't install on template installation

SobiPro 1.5 (26 Novemver 2019)

(+) Implementation of Font Awesome 5 (free version)
(+) Modified date of entries/categories are shown in the overview lists
(+) Logos adapted to new colours
(+) Template entry form style 'inline' added
(+) Single select list and radio button fields can be set to be 'Shown in Admin List'
(+) Possibility to pass description/introtext of primary category to details view (default V5 necessary)
(+) Possibility to delete some or all history data from an entry
(+) Configuration setting 'pathway.full_pathway' added to show full pathway also if a Joomla menu item is set to a category/entry (default = true)
(+) Sorting by radio field added
(+) Sorting by specific (sortable) field as second search ordering added
(+) Search ordering can be set to other orderings than priority
(+) Section/category ordering can be set from front-end; adjustable in back-end
(+) Search ordering can be set from front-end; adjustable in back-end
(+) If search term input left empty and no extended search selected, '*' will be used
(+) Separate entries_limit and entries_in_line for search results
(+) Search results count separately available in XML stream
(+) Setting to switch off TidyHTML; off by default (base.ini)
(+) Category dependent alpha listings
(+) Duplicate field from list view
(+) Copy field to other section

(-) Sorting by checkbox group removed (how should this work?)

(!) Default template is now default5
(!) Pulling wrong content for category fields when backend is another language than frontend
(!) Not setting cookie in the search itself because if we didn't receive it we weren't able to send it
(!) Bootbox modal popup improved
(!) Generation of RSS Feeds can be switched off in the template settings
(!) Configuration setting 'entry.primary_path_always' removed as only 'true' works
(!) Date, User and Alpha pathways improved
(!) Date, User and Alpha listings always get the template added to the canonical URL
(!) The sorting lists contain only fields which are enabled
(!) Improvement of Ajax pagination
(!) CURL test address changed to
(!) Default Font Awesome and Bootstrap versions adapted to V5 template
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.10

(#) Undefined variable: fieldNids
(#) Reversal of Commit 8b171710 as anchors do no longer work then
(#) page-header class usage corrected; lead class removed
(#) An additional class added to the general field settings does not get output
(#) If elements should be rounded, some elements in entry form are not
(#) The entry form description, set in SobiPro section configuration, was not shown on frontend
(#) The h1 title for user and date listings were not shown
(#) Notice if creating Joomla menu to date listing
(#) Entry input form title and description are passed to details view
(#) 'only variables may be passed by reference' notices
(#) Action 'Save' was logged twice
(#) Missing quotation marks in file upload code (Issue #153)
(#) Missing section name added to pathway for entries
(#) Correction of the pathway for add/edit entries
(#) Browser title, pathway and title corrected for date listings with full date
(#) Router supports now menu item type 'url' to SobiPro date, user, alpha listings
(#) Disabled navigation links can be clicked (Issue #143)
(#) If searching for several terms, the search results weren't correctly ordered by priority
(#) OR operator for checkbox group does not work
(#) Preceding option keys with field alias if key consists only of numbers does not work or is not implemented for radio, checkbox, select and multi select fields (Issue #156)
(#) Duplicating template corrected (directory name, content of php file)

SobiPro 1.4.11 (15 February 2019)

(#) Fix for older database versions still using Spencer's implementation for regular expressions instead of International Components for Unicode (ICU)
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) Pagination of Alpha index no longer works

SobiPro 1.4.10 (13 February 2019)

(+) Template Settings for Collection application added

(!) As it seems that there are PHAR changes in the last releases of PHP, which lead to halfway loaded PHAR files, the framework will be extracted now anyway.
(!) If exif_imagetype not available (badly configured servers) a generic content type is used
(!) Shown alpha listing reflects in dropdown menu (template)
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.9
(!) Files with term 'ajax' in their names will no longer shown as override template in Joomla menu
(!) Removing references to the phar packed framework as Joomla 3.9.3 prohibits its loading

(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) Encrypted data cannot be used in the alpha index; they will be ignored now
(#) Alpha index switches back to primary field after selecting a letter for a different field
(#) Encrypted fields removed from list of extra fields for alpha index
(#) Images not deleted correctly for other languages than the used language; images are stored now language independent
(#) Image rotation fixed

SobiPro 1.4.9 (10 January 2019)

(+) Possibility to check PHP size settings in image field

(!) Getting module/plugin name from language file in SobiPro installer
(!) Moved extensions.check_updates setting from base.ini to config.ini
(!) Behaviour of 'Edit Limits' setting for core fields; only changes of the field's content counts
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.8
(!) Set task to 'list.custom' even if no entries should be shown

(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warnings
(#) CSS backend toolbar button issue on retina displays
(#) Calling TinyMCE editor with parameters fails (Issue #126)
(#) Some toolbar buttons not visible in iframes (e.g. Download field licenses configuration)
(#) Entries sorting order by 'least popular first' didn't work
(#) Search suggest for pre-defined fields checked the key instead of the value (Issue #127)
(#) Encryption for email field type leads to error (Issue #132)
(#) Handling of languages without multi-lingual mode (Issue #130)
(#) Select lists show keys in entry form if no translated version is available
(#) Uploading images with uppercase extensions (Issue #135)
(#) Show correct un-installation message for modules and plugins when uninstalling via SobiPro application messenger
(#) Template installation does not add the icon fonts correctly
(#) Template installation does not handle select lists with parent groups correctly
(#) Workaround for Joomla's faulty base href (Issue #134)
(#) Removing applications fails

SobiPro 1.4.8 (14 September 2018)

(+) Simple OpenSSL encryption for textarea, inbox and email fields implemented
(+) Replacing special charachters in file names (image field) (Issue #114)
(+) New image field placeholder {category}; will be replaced by the primary category the entry is assigned to
(+) Configuration key (browser.no_title) to switch off modifying the browser title at all
(+) Configuration key (browser.add_section) to switch on/off adding the section's name to the browser title
(+) Exception handling in generic controller

(!) Information in entry form about administrative field will show now the field's label instead its alias
(!) Template: No definition for global link style but data-role="content" definition
(!) Template: Text links now show underline by default (none on hover); header links vice versa
(!) Usage of data-role="content" for descriptions and field content
(!) Invalid tasks or wrong long Urls generate now 404 instead 403 (Issue #101)
(!) Images for cloned entries will get an unique clone identifier to avoid unwanted side effects
(!) Improved Joomla menu layout for SobiPro menu items
(!) Fields javascript files and some others minified
(!) CSS distances have priority if used
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.7
(!) Category model passes exception to controller
(!) Added id as parameter to SPLang::getValue

(#) Wrong translator method passed to Framework
(#) Missing user groups for guest (Issue #104)
(#) Division by zero in RSS feeds generation
(#) Fatal error in case a field placeholder is missing the entry object
(#) Placeholders parse function didn't translate category id to name; category names are embed in HTML list
(#) Count on non-arrays (Issue #103)
(#) template.xsd schema updated (Issue #111)
(#) Missing name field error message also if field does no longer exist or is disabled (Issue #99)
(#) The "all permissions" rule for a subject in ACL isn't working (Issue #102)
(#) Wrong index used in button field (Issue #118)
(#) Wrong icon class syntax in category edit screen in back-end
(#) Application installation in 'media:' does not work
(#) Reverting solution for issue #77 as it breaks the usage of HTML code in the description
(#) Editing entry in multilingual mode always change main language (Issue #115)

SobiPro (11 May 2018)

(!) Increasing size of notice in fields
(!) Data columns in language table changed to MEDIUMTEXT (formerly TEXT)
(!) Base data column in field_data table changed to LONGTEXT (formerly TEXT)
(!) Data columns in language table changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation also for existing installations
(!) Base data column in field_data table changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation also for existing installations

(#) Unpacking of Sobi Framework in case of missing Phar support works now (Issue #80)
(#) Error 500 instead of 404 for undefined tasks (URL addresses) (Issue #97)
(#) Sorting categories in category field by position doesn't reflect changes if cache is on (Issue #25)
(#) No CSS styles loaded after previous cancel of a paid entry form (Issue #93)
(#) Aborted paid entry form not refilled although within 48 hours (Issue #98)
(#) Data aren't passed to the notification app when new entry is saved from front-end (Issue #66)
(#) Custom entry form redirect bypasses custom template functions

SobiPro (8 May 2018)

(#) Setting incorrect task in listing (Issue #90 and #91)
(#) Added paragraph to response message in SAM (Issue #92)
(#) Reverted previous commits for #90 and #91 as it didn't help
(#) JFolder:: delete: The path is not a folder. (Issue #95)
(#) 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes' (Issue #96)
(#) Removed try to unpack the framework if no Phar support is available, as it does not work (Issue #95)

SobiPro (4 May 2018)

(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.6

SobiPro 1.4.7 (3 May 2018)

(!) Loading fonts on front-end independent from font usage settings
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.5
(!) SobiPro itself does no longer count as application which needs to be updated
(!) Update link for SobiPro goes to com_installer now
(!) List of outdated applications opens in cPanel automatically

(#) Double filtering of textarea (Issue #87)
(#) Although Allow HTML Code ist set to 'do not filter', the tags are filtered using the filters set in the configuration
(#) Login procedure does not end normally if no repository is installed
(#) Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Document\RawDocument::addHeadLink(): Call to a member function getString() on null in payment view

SobiPro 1.4.6 (25 April 2018)

(+) New template colour @link-color
(+) Support for Import of Gallery field (Imex) added
(+) Basic API
(+) Entry sort order by checkbox fields added

(!) Improvement of template style 'elevated'
(!) Improvement of all colour themes
(!) Default template version V4.1
(!) Image field is using a framework for image manipulation
(!) Info field set to not im-/exportable
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.4
(!) If uploading a new image for an entry, the old images of this field will be deleted
(!) Default JPG quality set to 90%
(!) Category icon size set to 3 by default
(!) Collation of all tables changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci (new installations only)
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4

(#) Backslashes are added prior apostrophe to input field in back-end
(#) Ini file for template override (sptpl) not loaded
(#) Categories not translated properly in multilingual mode (Issue #63)
(#) Approved flag not reset after editing an entry (Issue #67)
(#) Large image was not created if it should not be resized
(#) Cropped image (cropped_) will be deleted after image processing (temporary file)
(#) RegEx in URL field corrected
(#) Windows 10 falsely recognised as old operating system
(#) Collation changed from utf8mb4_bin to utf8mb4_unicode_ci (Issue #69)
(#) Correct icon font selected for new SobiPro installation
(#) Removal of incompatibility with Joomla < 3.8.0
(#) Development highlighting feature is set on for the example section after installation
(#) All plugins are being loaded if task contain "list"
(#) Multiple calls into plugins load method
(#) alpaindex.xsl wrong "match" definition (Issue #76)
(#) Field descriptions are now within CDATA (Issue #77)
(#) Continents in country list are capitalized now (new installations only)
(#) Data aren't passed to the notification app when new entry is added from front-end (Issue #66)
(#) Error message instead of warnings if the template's .xml file does no longer exist

SobiPro 1.4.5 (30 January 2018)

(#) Fatal error on Urls without Joomla Itemid set
(#) Notices in router for Urls without or without valid Itemid
(#) Notices in back-end if no toolbar class given

SobiPro 1.4.4 (29 January 2018)

(+) New ACL rule 'approve.own'
(+) New ACL rules 'access.expired_any' and 'access.expired.own'
(+) Expired flag on front-end for expired entries (if user can see expired entries)
(+) Possibility to define own template colours in the template settings
(+) Extracting protocol from pasted URL into a URL field and setting the right protocol in the select list
(+) Additional button colours
(+) New colour theme 'pastels'
(+) Show icon next to category name
(+) Additional template style added: elevated (selectable from template settings)
(+) Small template improvements of file upload elements
(+) Information in entry form if a field is administrative
(+) The Joomla menu page heading (if any) will be shown instead of the SobiPro page heading
(+) Added support for emojis in field_data and language
(+) Changed repository SSL certificate added

(!) Extracting Sobi Framework automatically in case PHAR isn't usable
(!) Separate icon from label in Button field
(!) Redefinition of theme colours
(!) SobiPro background and font colours adjustable via template settings
(!) Default template is now default4
(!) Several fixes and improvements in the default template
(!) Field widths in administrator edit entry screen are now responsive
(!) Category icon handling improved; global category icon added
(!) Setting 'cacherequest' back to 'post' in Sobi\Input (While changing from SPRequest to Sobi\Input, hardcode method to 'post')
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.3
(!) Conditional requirement for /cms/version/version.php (cron jobs no longer worked with new Joomla)
(!) Multiselect list height settings for category field changed to size
(!) User interface of Paypal payment application improved
(!) Number of possible sub-subcategories increased to 30 (not recommended)
(!) Category Id shown in category edit screen
(!) Entry Id shown in back-end entry edit screen

(#) Visitors are treated as users if checking permissions
(#) Even if user may see own unpublished entry, a newly created entry wasn't shown after saving
(#) Status explanation popover on front-end does no longer work
(#) Button bar top menu shows wrong directory name
(#) Button margins corrected
(#) Only config.json file of template settings is re-read (Issue #49)
(#) 'Hide search parameter' template settings wasn't remembered
(#) Left side of text in Codemirror editor may be not visible
(#) Handling for image EXIF data with invalid GPS data
(#) Non-well formed warning while processing GPS coordinates of images
(#) A duplicated entry is no longer set to unpublished after duplication (Issue #44)
(#) Deleting a template from within section redirects to section configuration (Issue #45)
(#) CodeMirror editor now with word-wrap; content-area styles corrected on front-end
(#) Joomla toolbar not visible in modules when using 3rd party module manager
(#) Wrong data handling with disabled multi-language mode (Issue #51)
(#) Handling for CKEDITOR added (Issue #50)
(#) Display problems when CodeMirror editor is in active tab
(#) Removing 'canonical' only in case our own was added (Issue #53)
(#) Responsive search form layout corrected
(#) Status of 'xml output' does not reflect the status of the setting in the sections
(#) Missing part of JavaScript translations in backend (Issue #56)
(#) {payment.methods.html} placeholder doesn't generate correct HTML output for Paypal payment method
(#) Shown number of characters in textarea with HTML code corrected (if limitation is used)
(#) Wrong amount for Paypal payment if tax is set to 0 (Issue #62)

SobiPro 1.4.3 (19 October 2017)

(#) Saving of XSL files in the template editor corrupts the file (Issue #43)

SobiPro 1.4.2 (13 October 2017)

(+) New repository SSL certificate

(!) Modal layout adapted to new certificate type
(!) Primary category indicator more discreet
(!) Template information window improved
(!) XSLT processor: changed from transformToDoc to transformToXml due to issues with "disable-output-escaping"
(!) General settings for title and description of the forms moved down to template tab
(!) SQL installation changes added to clean install script too

(#) Missing icons in template manager's save options
(#) If some SobiPro applications are outdated, the message is shown on each page (should be only the Joomla cPanel page)
(#) Missing argument 1 for SPFilter::save() (Issue #37)
(#) Error in Joomla cPanel when SSL certificate expires (Issue #32)
(#) Wrong template name in duplicated template (Issue #34)
(#) Changed print_r to var_export in error log output (Issue #36)
(#) Un-installation message corrected and improved
(#) Entry approval leads to MYSQL error if calendar field 2.3 installed and used
(#) Section and category selection in SobiPro modules does no longer work
(#) 'Notice: A non well-formed numeric value encountered'

SobiPro 1.4.1 (29 September 2017)

(-) Old calendar script removed

(!) cropper.js minified
(!) Template debug options moved to section settings
(!) Core field versions changed to 1.4
(!) Improvements of input filter messages

(#) Entire cache is being deleted while saving section settings
(#) Version checker reports outdated version due to use of an undefined constant
(#) Core button field not listed in the list of installed applications
(#) Purge entries didn't work (Issue #31)
(#) New categories folder not created; default image moved to categories folder

SobiPro 1.4 (19 September 2017)

(+) Back-end layout improved and adapted to Joomla! 3.7
(+) Back-end Bootstrap Less files evacuated to separate package 'sobiadmin'
(+) Font Awesome for back-end included in sobiadmin.css; separate version for front-end available (sobifont.css)
(+) Indicator in back-end for primary category
(+) Possibility to add entry link to image in vCard
(+) Autosuggest function extended to general search field
(+) Autosuggest results sorted alphabetically
(+) Switch off some fields for a certain category (entry fields; views only)
(+) Script to use map in tabs in entry form added
(+) Dates, author, url and state of a category available in XML data
(+) Possibility to delete all entries in a section
(+) Basic template development support added (fields highlighting)
(+) Description in entry form can be placed on the right side too
(+) Possibility to disable check for updates in plugin via config.ini (extensions.check_updates)

(-) Unused tabs script of SobiPro version 1.0 removed
(-) Clean-up of loaded scripts in template
(-) en-GB preload function removed as Joomla 3.7 is always pre-loading the English language
(-) Support for applications written for SobiPro 1.0 removed
(-) Legacy mode for old category chooser (1.0) removed
(-) default3 template for Bootstrap 2 removed (separately available)

(!) Less folder removed; LESS files moved to css folder
(!) Redesign of entries & categories in SobiPro's cPanel
(!) Font Awesome 4 updated to 4.7.0
(!) Improved field type info in fields manager
(!) Category images now located in /images instead /media folder
(!) Configuration ini files cleaned up
(!) Changes in b3-default3 template for basic accessibility
(!) default.less/default.css renamed to custom.less/custom.css
(!) Layout improvement of payment control in entry form
(!) Description in entry form uses full width (no longer limited to field width)

(#) Font Awesome 3 local does not show icons in front-end datepicker
(#) Solution to overcome Joomla's IcoMoon when Font Awesome 3 is loaded via CDN
(#) Typo in page-header CSS class
(#) Section redirect parameters won't be processed if section is unpublished
(#) Calendar Field in entry form shown wrong (CSS)
(#) Notice in File/lib/models/field.php: 295
(#) 'Fill in required fields' message if no value for max. Categories per entry is given
(#) general class attribute for info field not saved
(#) Storing left menu state (Issue #2)
(#) Skipping unnecessary template path detection in cache view (Issue #18)
(#) Title label for url and email fields not translatable (Issue #28)
(#) Select list validation doesn't work (Issue #21)
(#) Wrong arguments order after changing to Sobi Framework (Issue #23)
(#) Class css-search not output in the template
(#) Missing input range search not styled
(#) Range search with suffix not styled
(#) RSS News work again

SobiPro 1.3.7 (28 April 2017)

(!) Moved Sobi Framework inclusion to the loader

(#) Wrong Ajax definition (switch to Framework) while installing applications from repository (Issue #1791)
(#) Added exception for search results in router (Issue #1783)
(#) CSS cache is trying to load CSS files over URL (Issue #1745 again and #1813)
(#) RSS feeds use general settings (Issue #1802)
(#) Wrong condition for subject while parsing text node in administrator area (Issue #1801)
(#) Different directory separators used in path (Issue #1797)
(#) Overwritten "searchSuggest" method in image field (Issue #1828)
(#) Switching off transparency detection for images does not work (Issue #1833)

SobiPro 1.3.6 (4 March 2017)

(#) Installing files to template storage doesn't work correctly
(#) edit.json settings won't be loaded on editing existing entries

SobiPro 1.3.5 (4 March 2017)

(!) Changed string related functions to multibyte in router and alpha view
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.2

SobiPro 1.3.4 (1 March 2017)

(+) Small layout improvement in Entries & Categories Manager
(+) Title and description for entry and search forms adjustable
(+) Meta description separator for section, search and entry forms adjustable
(+) New Google Font 'Dosis' added to both templates
(+) New toolbar style 'buttonbar'
(+) New template settings 'Hide search parameters'
(+) Switch to disable transparency recognition
(+) Up-to-date checker for SobiPro applications in Joomla! cPanel

(!) Loading all fonts into the category edit screen
(!) Search phrases adapted to template style
(!) Login redirect added to toolbar style 'linkbar'
(!) Added some of B3-default3 template features to default3 template
(!) Includes Sobi Framework 1.0.1

(#) Sorting the select list in search form for input box field (Issue #1762)
(#) Missing container 'spListing' added to search results
(#) icons.json not read from current template
(#) Add to meta keys for checkbox groups fields added the data also to meta description
(#) Meta description cannot be added to the search and entry forms
(#) Wrong URL for directly linked entries (Issue #1764)
(#) Dependency field cannot be saved without allowed selecting parent (Issue #1772)
(#) Override json file data isn't passsed to the template xml config nodes (Issue #1770)
(#) Selecting fields in fields manager via checkbox does not distinguish betweend entry and category fields (Issue #1765)
(#) Several small template corrections
(#) Corrected Regex for email field (Issue #1777)
(#) Remembering last selected tab of fields manager in local storage
(#) Deleting temporary update list files after application has been installed

(*) Added rel="noopener noreferrer" to all user controlled links with target="_blank" @see

SobiPro 1.3.3 (21 January 2017)

(+) Category dates available in XML data
(+) New field 'Button'
(+) Support for discounts in payment messages
(+) Raw payment/discount values added to XSL nodes
(+) Raw payment values (values without currency) available as email placeholders
(+) Absolute discount support
(+) Load path 'storage' to load CSS and JS files from the Template Storage
(+) Width for radio buttons and checkbox groups in search form adjustable
(+) Categories can be shown in RSS feeds
(+) Options available in XML for radio buttons and single select list fields
(+) List of most popular and new categories in CPanel; by default off
(+) Global setting to switch off showing entries and categories in CPanel
(+) History/Logging types improved, more actions logged during rejection
(+) Possibility to sort categories by id, by creation date and by update date in back-end

(!) Bootstrap 3 updated to version 3.3.7 (local and CDN)
(!) Font Awesome 4 updated to 4.6.3
(!) Changed method to determine a super user from authorise( 'core.admin' ) to authorise( 'core.manage', 'com_users' )
(!) Checkboxes aligned (b3-default3 template)
(!) Back-end title text revised for some pages
(!) Predefined title label texts for email and url fields changed
(!) Url field setting 'open in new window' set to 'no' by default
(!) First item in protocols list of URL field will be used as default in new entry
(!) Started moving libraries to Sobi Framework
(!) Payment screen layout improved
(!) Select label option of single select lists moved to general settings
(!) Select label in search form for multiple select lists adjustable
(!) Option settings of radio buttons and checkbox groups fields moved to general settings
(!) Categories ordering and categories in line setting moved to template; deprecated message added
(!) Different pathway items for search parameters and search result
(!) Improvement of search form (b3-default3) on mobile
(!) Extended search fields output in default templates moved to a separate template (searchfields.xsl)
(!) Styles for version comparison screen improved

(-) Suffix setting removed from image field

(#) Checkboxes for backend settings are again vertically ordered
(#) Re-define standard Bootstrap btn link colours (b3-default3 only)
(#) If no custom label for a URL set, but label given in the settings, it wasn't used (2nd try)
(#) If no custom label for an email set, but label given in the settings, it wasn't used (2nd try)
(#) Double row container for categories list removed (b3-default3 only)
(#) Select list and 0 in name (Issue #1723)
(#) Dependant list needs to be selected on every search (Issue #1703)
(#) Syntax error in example data for information field (Issue #1726)
(#) Cleaning escaped slashes in autosuggest (Issue #1709)
(#) Exception for index.php in redirects URLs (Issue #1737)
(#) Missing HTML element in default3 payments template (Issue #1738)
(#) Wrong hover colour for datepicker buttons in back-end
(#) No prices on payment screen if VAT is 0
(#) Discounts not calculated if VAT is 0
(#) Payment information is not being refreshed after user changes selected options
(#) Missing distance for dependency list in entry and search forms
(#) Dependency error message if selecting parents is not allowed, is truncated
(#) Double select label for dependency select lists in search form
(#) CSS cache is trying to load CSS files over URL (Issue #1745)
(#) Dependency select list shows wrong option in views
(#) Dependency select list shows 0 instead of parent option in views (Issue #1711)
(#) Don't save a wrong value if dependency select list is unselected
(#) Search phrase labels missing (Issue #1749)
(#) Wrong button type for search phrase buttons
(#) Width for radio buttons and checkbox groups in entry and search form too small
(#) JSON settings file isn't loaded when using template override
(#) No possibility to adjust RSS settings for categories
(#) Missing size and label settings in search form for checkbox groups and radio buttons
(#) Section metadata are added always to metadata of entry and search forms
(#) Discard Changes while rejection of an entry never worked
(#) Comparison library (php-diff) updated to work with PHP7 (Issue #1760)

SobiPro 1.3.2 (11 October 2016)

(+) Message shown if used template does no longer exist
(+) Auto-generate placeholders for alias fields (nid)
(+) Changing class names and CSS scope while duplicating a template
(+) Categories field in categories list
(+) Support for panels in Bootstrap 3 default template

(-) Option to choose the side of checkbox and radio buttons removed as not supported by Bootstrap

(#) Notice in entry form for category field
(#) Wrong label shown in textarea for categories field settings
(#) Changes in router for calendar field listing navigation with suffix
(#) Missing settings for inbox in category fields
(#) Missing template override in navigation
(#) If image won't be re-sized/cropped but original available, original wasn't used
(#) No image type selectable for image field in category view
(#) Call to undefined method SPDateListing::getDateEntries() (Issue #1707)

SobiPro 1.3.1 (31 August 2016)

(+) Support for SobiPro Template Storage added

(#) View cache doesn't work with absolute template path
(#) Select lists show options instead of values
(#) B/C with Profile Field (Issue #1699)

SobiPro 1.3 (28 August 2016)

(+) Image field: original image name without extension used for alt and title tag
(+) Possibility to add custom fields to a category
(+) Colour styles for Gallery field added
(+) Possibility to redirect to login page if only registered users can add entries in B3-default3 template
(+) Support for base fee for an entry added
(+) Cmd+S and Ctrl+S shortcuts - if applicable will save entry, category, settings
(+) Coupon field support added to the payment template file
(+) CSS template scope added
(+) List of most popular, new and awaiting approval entries in CPanel
(+) Support for Entries Module added to the templates settings
(+) ACL to the XML output

(!) publishing_format set to a more readable format by default
(!) B3 template folder renamed to 'b3-default3' as path names have to be lowercase
(!) Payment page shows name of the entry
(!) Payment page shows name of the section
(!) Small back-end layout refreshments
(!) schema file template.xsd updated
(!) SobiPro's default template is now b3-default3 (Bootstrap 3 version)
(!) Left column more wide
(!) Template's abstract class renamed to tplDefault3 to avoid module conflicts
(!) Tree layout changed
(!) Directory iterator sorts directories before entries now

(-) SobiPro template theme 'blackwidow' removed

(#) textarea width in entry form set to 100% if WYSIWYG is used
(#) textarea in entry form checked for empty height and set default value
(#) Entry history screen malformed if no user given (entry renewal requests)
(#) Codemirror styles in back-end got overwritten by SobiPro
(#) Missing icon in category data if using font instead of file (#1647)
(#) Added nid to subcategories nodes (Issue #1648)
(#) Info field, import method incompatibility with PHP 7 fixed (Issue #1662)
(#) Info field not available when editing an entry (non superuser only)
(#) Wrong date format while duplicating a template (Issue #1661)
(#) Meta description ordering fixed (Issue #1658)
(#) Duplicated robots in header (Issue #1657)
(#) Codemirror vanishes after pressing 'Save' (Issue #1659)
(#) "Option in line" causing invalid modulo operation if is set to all (Issue #1666)
(#) Joomla! and SobiPro symbol wrong/missing in category edit screen (Issue #1660)
(#) Several small layout issues in back-end fixed
(#) Ensuring that no negative limitStart can be passed to a query
(#) If no custom label for a URL set, but label given in the settings, it wasn't used
(#) If no custom label for an email set, but label given in the settings, it wasn't used
(#) Notices in router (Issue #1678)
(#) Select List -> dependency method: wrong option displayed (Issue #1694)
(#) Notices in multilingual mode (Issue #1693)
(#) Email and URL field show label value even if custom title option is disabled (Issue #1689)
(#) Loading behavior.core in editor; causing issue while using CodeMirror (Issue #1687)
(#) Application's LESS file being compiled even if it doesn't exist yet (Issue #1677)
(#) Sub-subcategories not visible in category views (Issue #1685)
(#) Added Windows 10 to trusted operating systems (Issue #1630)
(#) Router: added slash at the end of particular URLs

SobiPro 1.2.4 (30 June 2016)

(+) Category field: new category selector (populated select list)
(+) Category field: sorting of categories in entry form adjustable
(+) Tooltip colours now correspond to base colour for B3-default3 template
(+) General distance classes for distances on top and bottom in B3-default3 template
(+) Template hook added on bottom of all views
(+) Google Fonts selectable from template settings
(+) Link Bar instead of Top Menu selectable from template settings
(+) Selected option id in select list and radio button added as attribute into XML output
(+) Possibility to ignore storing in default language

(!) Cleaning Joomla! cache - removing only the "page" group
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) HTML tags now possible in helptext (field description)
(!) Added "tmp" in exception while displaying the template's files

(#) Warnings/notices in SobiPro panel, if no news available from our server
(#) Version of information field in fields manager missing
(#) Label and itemprop set result in template syntax error
(#) Changes in SobiPro content doesn't clear Joomla cache (Issue #1639)
(#) Compatibility with MySQL 5.7+ (Issue #1638)
(#) Section selectable in category selector if field is not free (Issue #1633)
(#) Fatal error in alpha listing when field isn't defined (Issue #1628)
(#) Wrong order of fields in metadata (Issue #1611)
(#) Clearing image field data after save in backend (Issue #1641)
(#) Height of the SigsiuTree container for menu items corrected (Issue #1640)
(#) Wrong order in aliases in multilingual mode (Issue #1627)
(#) "finaliseSave" method on category field called even if disabled (Issue #1645)
(#) Removing empty segment from router (Issue #1373)

SobiPro 1.2.3 (30 March 2016)

(+) Added unpublished sign to unpublished categories
(+) Additional cache for categories relation in category field
(+) datepicker CSS improvements (against template overwrites)
(+) System Report now informs user to scroll down to read all results of the system check
(+) Possibility to switch off shown categories in front-end (section and category view)

(!) Improvements in Crawler Cron CLI script
(!) PNG compression increased

(#) Forcing template installation doesn't work
(#) Wrong setting displayed for separate JSON files in template settings
(#) Not possible to save multi select list (Issue #1591)
(#) SPFactory::Instance PHP 5.6 compatibility
(#) Missing method "saveSelectLabel" moved to parent class (Issue #1591)
(#) SobiPro cache not deleted when edit new template settings (Issue #1588)
(#) Wrong ACL permission check for managing sections (Issue #1586)
(#) Empty headline when no font icons selected (Issue # #1593)
(#) Missing language as a selector in category field cache (Issue #1579)
(#) Forcing string handling of labels in checkbox and radio buttons (Issue ##1578)
(#) Wrong languages selected as current while translating (Issue #1572)
(#) Missing some settings due to ACL implementation (Issue #1575)
(#) Directory menu item in template's topmenu not set to active if search not available

SobiPro 1.2.2 (28 January 2016)

(+) Possibility to load a local version of Bootstrap 3 with 'SobiPro' namespace
(+) Information box when install/update SobiPro
(+) Bootstrap 2 overwrite file for Bootstrap 3 template
(+) New template theme 'waterfall'
(+) base font size adjustable via template settings
(+) Template override for search form
(+) Possibility to implement fields' specific settings while installing new templates

(!) Bootstrap 3 updated to version 3.3.6
(!) SobiPro menu link selection layout improved
(!) Warning if no year is selected when adding menu link to a listing by date
(!) Template for display fields now includes the default image
(!) Layout of back-end ACL settings improved
(!) Alpha menu title contains now select field name

(#) Visibility problem with datepicker in modal window
(#) Wrong condition for while loop in SPJoomlaFs::copy
(#) Images aren't saved from the back-end (Issue #1552)
(#) 'State' header text is missing in 'All entries' screen (Issue #1559)
(#) Bootstrap 2 loaded in B3-default3 template
(#) Firing "AfterSave" trigger on after update (Issue #1561)
(#) Several fixes in template installer
(#) No possibility to translate the "select option" label in select list (Issue #1562)
(#) Wrong selector for search highlighter (Issue #1563)
(#) No warning if no entry is selected when adding menu link to entry
(#) Several issues with backend ACL (Issues #1567, #1568, #1569)
(#) Missing fields to change position of categories (Issue #1570)
(#) Autosuggest does not work with B3-default3 template (Issue #1577)

SobiPro 1.2.1 (22 December 2015)

(+) Fallback for wrong path setting in image field
(+) B2 input size styles implemented in B3 default template
(+) Tooltip support in default templates
(+) Coloured tabs and staple tabs support in default B3 template
(+) Carousel support in default B3 template
(+) Several features added to the default template (e.g. shorten text, hiding categories, image ratio, hiding extended search button)
(+) Possibility to load Bootstrap 3 from CDN
(+) Support for printing
(+) Backend ACL
(+) New template theme 'terra'
(+) Specific SobiPro Icon for Administrator Header
(+) PHP7 compatibility
(+) Joomla! 3.5 compatibility
(+) Selection if the user may delete the click counter of web links (URL field)
(+) Ajax navigation in listing views

(-) jQuery-UI library removed

(!) Less influences of Joomla! template to Theme template
(!) Local Font-Awesome 3 icons without SobiPro scope
(!) Datepicker attached to body for Bootstrap 3 compatibility
(!) Field labels now within CSS class
(!) Font Awesome 4 updated to version 4.5.0
(!) Small CSS improvements in backend
(!) Editing the fields in default templates moved to a separate template (editfields.xsl)
(!) jQuery updated to 1.11.3

(#) Missing default template configuration files added
(#) Duplicate icons from Font Awesome 4 removed
(#) Only one information field in a section works correctly
(#) Small bux fixes in default template files
(#) Suffix layout in search view in B3-default3 template wrong
(#) Multiple language nodes in SobiPro App definition were ignored
(#) Information field isn't installed during update (Issue #1535)
(#) Information field does not duplicate output data
(#) Less file 'Compile & Save' now 'Save & Compile'
(#) Missing message type after entry has been saved
(#) Buffer output not cleared for the payment screen when submitting an entry
(#) URL reverted while changing menu settings (Issue #1538)
(#) Missing existence check while copying files in image field (cloning) (Issue #1534)
(#) Removing double quotes from user names (Issue #1516)
(#) Issue with non-latin aliases (Issue #1515)
(#) Globally disabled application still enabled in sections (Issue #1514)
(#) All fields in backend entry form don't get the set width
(#) Payment notifications aren't sent after entry edition (Issue #1507)
(#) New template was loaded before Bootstrap with CSS cache on (styling issues)

(*) Unregistered user with permission to edit "own" entry can access the edit form of entries without assigned owner

SobiPro 1.2 (28 October 2015)

(+) Possibility to define a separator sign for meta descriptions from fields
(+) Required state of a field as node attribute in XML data available
(+) Additional CSS class node attributes for fields in add/edit form (css-edit), details view & vCard (css-view) and search form (css-search)
(+) Category alias as node attribute in details view
(+) Possibility to load different font icons (Material Icons, Font Awesome 3 and 4)
(+) Possibility to load no icon font in frontend
(+) Possibility to select font icons for categories
(+) Possibility to add condition attributes into toolbar's elements in administrator area
(+) LESS compiler for SobiPro templates
(+) New default template (default3) with different colour themes
(+) New default template for Bootstrap 3 (B3-default3) with different colour themes
(+) Different default class selectors for fields
(+) Nofollow attribute for url field
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) Possibility to add the label as placeholder into the input element for inbox, textarea (not Wysiwyg), email and url fields
(+) Template specific settings
(+) Language installer for templates
(+) Definition file for used icons
(+) Default values for inbox, textarea, select list, multiple select list, checkbox group, email and url fields
(+) Highlighting search keywords in search results
(+) Possibility to override input fields renderer in the template
(+) New core field 'Information' to output HTML text in entry form and/or DV and/or vCard
(+) Setting to switch HTML output format from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3
(+) Implementation of Bootstrap 3 HTML output (e.g. modals, grids, forms, input fields)
(+) Adjustable search field width for category, select, multiselect and inbox fields (span, col)
(+) APC cache in front of SQLite in SobiPro Accelerator
(+) Bootbox for Bootstrap 3

(!) Template styles from SobiPro.css moved to template's css file
(!) New tree icons
(!) New Paypal logo
(!) Removed MYISAM setting from the tables where it is not necessary
(!) Curl test URL changed
(!) Bootstrap responsive CSS file added by default
(!) Layout improvements for range search
(!) Default view templates of SobiPro functionality no longer selectable in Joomla! menu manager
(!) SobiPro section view functionality in Joomla! menu manager moved to first position
(!) Set image crop function off by default
(!) Header plugin version updated
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(!) SigsiuTree is responsive now
(!) New repository server and certificate
(!) preg_replace /e changed to be PHP7 compatible
(!) Throwing ErrorException on fatal errors
(!) Intelligence test refined. Was too hard to get it.

(-) Category icons removed
(-) Joomla! 1.5 code completely removed
(-) Joomla! 2.5 support dropped

(#) Fixed issues in SigsiuTree and Internet Explorer (Issue #1469)
(#) Passing comma separated values to the SPHtml_Input::select (Issue #1481)
(#) Removing duplicates meta keys (Issue #1476)
(#) Approved value in the front-end when user is accessing unapproved version (Issue #1472)
(#) Non-editable field cannot be set as required; it should be set as not required after it has been used once (Issue #1457)
(#) HTML style error in range search corrected
(#) Crop function doesn't work under Joomla! higher than 3.4.1 (Issue #1487)
(#) Wrong query in header functions fixed
(#) Default option id for Select/Multi-Select/Checkbox/Radio fields set to option-id
(#) Problem when editing a select field using dependency list which is a required field (Issue #1496)
(#) Cloning images while entry is being saved "as copy" (Issue #1494)
(#) Category field warnings in the search (Issue #1492)
(#) Wrong message in image field if cropping is disabled (Issue #1486)
(#) Payments and history of an entry not being deleted when entry is being deleted (Issue #1491)
(#) Deleting section related data from ACL while deleting a section (Issue #1491)
(#) Issues with alias for an entry fixed (Issue #1468)
(#) Missing user id in request params for unique cache creation (Issue #1453)
(#) 'Valid until' reset after each edit (Issue #1452)
(#) Wrong error code if page has not been found (Issue #1440)
(#) Issues with image cropper while uploading same image (name) into two different fields (Issue #1431)
(#) Checking for width and height size in image field when crop or resize is enabled (Issue #1445)
(#) Image handler is adding transparency to images that originally don't have it and removes the background
(#) Permission "to access any unpublished entry" is being overridden by the permission to access own unpublished entries (Issue #1439)
(#) Information messages don't appear on redirection to non-SobiPro URLs (Issue #1366)
(#) Second search ordering by counter doesn't work (Issue #1495)
(#) Preventing "multiple select list" as a search method while dependency option is enabled
(#) rGetChilds method limited to entries only
(#) Static call into JSite::getMenu() has been removed
(#) Leveraging Joomla! files' protection (Issue #1506)
(#) New typeahead library for Bootstrap 3 (Issue #1500)
(#) White screen in SobiPro panel if news couldn't be fetched

SobiPro 1.1.13 (31 March 2015)

(+) Possibility to prevent choosing parent options in the select field with dependency list (Related to #1421)

(!) Showing the fields in default2 template moved to a separate template (#) Valid since / valid until time issues while creating new ACL rule (Issue #1415)
(#) Dependency field don't work in search view (Issue #1417)
(#) Notices in function fixTimes() (Issue #1423)
(#) Access own unpublished rule hide other users entries (Issue #1419)

SobiPro 1.1.12 (28 February 2015)

(+) Possibility to define template functions globally
(+) Implemented "dependency" functionality for single select lists

(#) Image field didn't appear on payment page (Issue #1375)
(#) Original image is being overwritten with cropped image
(#) Size of News container corrected
(#) Fixed issues with time and time offset
(#) Help URL corrected
(#) Itemprop attribute not being displayed in field edit form (Issue #1392)
(#) Not possible to access entries in front end due to time offset (Issue #1389)
(#) Path issues on Windows "servers" (Issue #1365)
(#) Added IE11 to valid browsers list (Issue #1368)
(#) Allowing unicode group names in select lists (Issue #1364)
(#) Redirection message is missing (Issue #1366)
(#) Disabling time check in cache while adding an object and "force" parameter set to true
(#) SobiPro menu link looses function if edited (Issue #1397)
(#) Pre-selecting categories in SigsiuTree to prevent "O items selected" output on iOS (Issue #1367)
(#) Task transformation doesn't work for alpha index (Issue #1362)
(#) URL click counter counts only once (Issue #1283)
(#) "Entry update" not fired while updating an entry from administrator area
(#) View Cache is not restoring task for the $_REQUEST array (Issue #1321)
(#) Loading language from XML administrator definition file
(#) Pending/expired entries not visible in category when user has permission to see those (Issue #1354)
(#) Not possible to add an image with an uppercase file extension (Issue #1404)
(#) Removing empty <ul> list from the multiselect field if no data are selected

SobiPro 1.1.11 (28 October 2014)

(+) Possibility to define parent container for datePicker
(+) Image Field functionality extended: possibility to crop an image

(!) Changed deprecated JException to core Exception

(#) Messages queue overflow
(#) Category field causes 500 error if contains comma separated data
(#) SobiPro redirects are causing a 303 code
(#) DatePicker converts timestamp to a scientific notation on some servers; forcing integer output
(#) Router - not possible to use dash in the in config defined alias (Issue #1322)
(#) Creation date of the duplicated entry is the same as the original (Issue #1328)
(#) If in datepicker all time options are disabled it is removing also 'now' and 'clear' buttons (Issue #1346)
(#) Wrong date when Joomla! time zone is different from server time (Issue #1348)
(#) Wrong results for range search (Issue #1343)
(#) SigsiuTree, category field: disabled possibility to select (click) additional category as long as the previous wasn't added (Issue #1347)
(#) Wrong language used if 'en-GB' preload function is disabled (Issue #1352)
(#) Pending entries aren't visible in front-end (Issue #1354)

SobiPro 1.1.10 (28 July 2014)

(+) "Save & New" functionality for entries and categories
(+) Fixing image rotation according to the EXIF data

(!) Label "Save as New" to "Save as Copy"
(!) Changing all db dates to UTC; Warning! can cause a glitch in the matrix
(!) Dates like "valid until, since, etc" are displayed in 'in Joomla! set' timezone by default

(#) Router not copied during installation process
(#) Changed language recognition method (compatibility with Joomla! 3.3.2)
(#) Bug in SPHeader::addMeta fixed
(#) Parent category in add entry form not pre-selected (Issue #1299)
(#) Limiting chars for textarea doesn't work correctly with Hebrew chars (Issue #1293)
(#) Image field - EXIF data - wrong coordinates calculation
(#) Double title in administrator area (Issue #1306)
(#) Apostrophes are not correctly escaped in Sub-categories names (Issue #1308)
(#) Textarea not saving changes when using Code Mirror (Issue #1303)
(#) Field in loop conditions check was executed twice and due to wrong subject the second one fails

SobiPro 1.1.9 (03 July 2014)

(+) SEF router now included in SobiPro directly
(+) Warning about missing menu item to SobiPro section view

(!) Requirements checker is getting current version from Joomla updater extension
(!) Some icons in administration panel improved (datepicker)
(!) Changed order of meta keys and meta description (Issue #1231)
(!) Image field - changing all file extensions to lower case now
(!) Repository SSL Certificate information renewed

(#) Rejection messages corrected
(#) Corrected attributes handling in SPHeader::meta()
(#) Discard changes for a new entry (Issue #1221)
(#) Extended exceptions to include "entry.delete" in router (#Issue)
(#) Workaround for a bug in JApplicationCli
(#) Crawler accesses operational tasks (Issue #1226)
(#) 'Now' in the datepicker sets wrong hour (Issue #1223)
(#) Not possible to use more than one SigsiuTree categories chooser (Issue #1220)
(#) Category field set to be an administrative field is loosing data when user edits the entry (Issue #1219)
(#) Incorrect results while ordering by popularity (counter) (Issue #1267)
(#) Incorrect results while ordering by title in multilingual mode (Issue #1258)

SobiPro 1.1.8 (30 March 2014)

(#) Cache improvement removed for Joomla 2.5

SobiPro 1.1.7 (28 March 2014)

(+) Possibility to define list of exif data to pass to the XML output
(+) Possibility to pass parameters to the editor
(+) Possibility to delete a date from datetimepicker (Issue #1208)

(!) Improved exif data cleaning method (again) (Issue #1205)
(!) Limiting the search results to 1000 by default (adjustable in config.ini)
(!) Several improvements in the search functionality
(!) CSS style for alert messages
(!) Improved Joomla! cache management (not caching session token)
(!) Added several tasks (entry submit, delete, approve, publish, ...) to be ignored by the crawler

(#) Possibility to define the Itemid and pass it to SobiPro::Url (Issue #1206)
(#) Limiting the "explode" in crawler to separate body from header to two pieces (Issue #1213)
(#) Method SPDBObject::getChilds limits type to entries only.

SobiPro 1.1.6 (28 February 2014)

(+) Possibility to define list of parameters to pass from the search function to the search results page

(!) Improved exif data cleaning method
(!) Uncompressed js files removed from packages; separate package available
(!) Bootstrap javascript plugin files removed as already included in the main Bootstrap file

(#) Problems with searching when field is set to multi selection in the search (Issue #1187)
(#) Newly created categories are not approved by default (Issue #1183)
(#) New Approval in Entry detail does not fire EntryAfterChangeState and EntryAfterApprove (Issue #1184)
(#) Apostrophes are not correctly escaped in section name (Issue #1188)
(#) Wrong path definition in the cronjob script
(#) Several fixes in the crawler
(#) Special characters in regex not escaped (Issue #1189)
(#) ACL permission "see unpublished entries" has no effect (Issue #1192)
(#) Category field in fixed choice allow to select section id (Issue #1191)
(#) Problem with creating Joomla! menu item (Issue #1166)
(#) Inputbox search method single select list and multilingual mode (Issue #1193)

SobiPro 1.1.5 (28 January 2014)

(+) "Now" selector in date-time picker
(+) CLI crawler script to re-create cache from command line and/or cron job
(+) Entry Approve button in administration area

(!) Background colour of Datepicker and Userselector buttons changed in backend
(!) Font Awesome updated to version 3.2.1
(!) JQuery updated to v1.10.2
(!) Unpublished entries are now shown in Joomla! menu manager (to be able to link to them)

(#) Changed timestamp getter from integer to double to avoid problems on old 32-bit systems (Issue #1143)
(#) Removed short open tag in the administrator/components/com_sobipro/default.php file (Issue #1141)
(#) Improved the default date-time picker (Issue #1137)
(#) Editing entries with image field set as required (Issue #1017)
(#) Pathway creation improved (Issue #1147)
(#) Approval status is displayed to unauthorised users (Issue #1150)
(#) repository.xml won't be overwritten on update
(#) Replacing '_' with '-' on update (options)
(#) Preventing entries id being used as parent id (Issue #1157 and #1158)
(#) Minor fix for Firefox in CSS file of default template
(#) Wrong language identifier for field labels while editing field definition (Issue #1161)
(#) URL field set as required doesn't work correctly (Issue #1160)
(#) Deleting category without selection deletes current category (Issue #1162)
(#) Missing 'Percent Formats' in Global Configuration added
(#) Missing text for SP.EX.CORE_PLUGIN
(#) Comma as decimal mark translation corrupted (Issue #1016)

(*) Section listings missing the ACL check (Issue #1177)

SobiPro 1.1.4 (28 December 2013)

(+) Added support for in field model and default templates
(+) Passing exif data to the XML output in image field
(+) Timestamp to the URL of search results site to prevent caching by the Joomla! page cache plugin (adjustable in config.ini)
(+) Moderate mode for history changes in the administrator area

(!) Changed bootstrap datepicker to datetimepicker
(!) Textarea field with allowed HTML input ignores HTML markup while checking the allowed length
(!) Changed Joomla! menu handling; added possibility to load new options dynamically
(!) Improved default template (Thanks to Robert Vining)
(!) Approval of unpublished entries triggers automatically "publish" action (adjustable in config.ini)
(!) Added spinner in administrator area

(#) Missing error text for FILE_WRONG_TYPE added.
(#) Additional parameters in some fields are being destroyed
(#) No requirement to pass selected categories while editing existing entry (Issue #1106)
(#) Wrong config key for the default phrase (Issue #1104)
(#) Templates are being installed (copied) even if requirements are not satisfied
(#) Missing Site name in the browser title if set in Joomla! configuration (Issue #1088)
(#) Missing argument 3 for SPField_Category (Issue #1079)
(#) Added legacy layer for multiple predefined data (Issue #1078)
(#) Special characters in field label not escaped (Issue #1087)
(#) When entry history is disabled, editing entries in backend keeps asking for reason (Issue #1077)
(#) Preventing invalid category id in category field when set to fixed choice (Issue #1075)
(#) Allowing float values in range search (Issue #1074)
(#) Reverse title key fixed (Issue #1067)
(#) Double directory separator in the 'SOBI_MEDIA_LIVE' definition (Issue #1062)
(#) Translation method returns NID instead of name (Issue #1060)
(#) Storing right template in XML cache when template override is enabled (Issue #1064)
(#) Unapproved images are being displayed for unauthorised users (Issue #1095)
(#) Joomla! cache is being frequently deleted
(#) Disabling Joomla! cache in search results
(#) View cache broken
(#) Entry meta data is not translatable (Issue #1110)
(#) Missing labels for different objects when a label is entered in a language which isn't used later
(#) Missing header title in administrator area (Issue #1086)
(#) Missing template override in pagination
(#) Added timestamp to several URLs administrator links to leverage browser caching

SobiPro 1.1.3 (21 October 2013)

(+) History of changes of an entry
(+) Rejection functionality
(+) Version management
(+) Support for custom templates override while adding menu item
(+) Possible placeholders for path in image field extended; {id}, {orgname}, {entryname}, {oid}, {ownername}, {uid}, {username}

(!) Default input style for URL and Email field improved
(!) Header output moved to a separate plugin

(#) Backend search for entry returns categories (Issue #1022)
(#) Editing entries with image field set as required (Issue #1017)
(#) Error while installing Joomla! native extensions in SobiPro (Issue #1013)
(#) Add menu entry to an entry in Joomla 2.5 (Issue #1042)
(#) Preventing saving of custom ordering when nothing has been selected (Issue ##1041)
(#) Entries without valid category assigned are not visible in 'All Entries' screen (Issue #1037)
(#) Approving changes from the front-end with multilingual mode (Issue #1027)
(#) Backend search for entry redirects to main section view (Issue #1022)
(#) Editing entries with image field set as required (Issue #1017)
(#) Category Name as Alias in SobiPro 1.1.2 (Issue #1015)
(#) Destination folder not found while updating SobiPro (Issue #1014)
(#) Missing hidden "showIn" option in category field (Issue #1047)
(#) Wrong pathway when entry is linked directly in the menu (Issue #1046)
(#) No data sent to check when using CodeMirror (Issue #1048)
(#) Email field: corrected path replacement to fit to Windows directory separator (Issue #1045)
(#) Missing file extension in image field if not using "orgname" placeholder (Issue #1058)
(#) Quotes in the payment descriptions are not escaped (Issue: #1057)

SobiPro 1.1.2 (22 August 2013)

(+) Calling Joomla! Cache cleaner after SobiPro cache has been invalidated
(+) Keep-Alive method to avoid session expire
(+) Possibility to store ordering of lists in administrator area permanently
(+) Information about entry's status while displaying unapproved/unpublished version in default template
(+) Storing currently displayed entries into 'user state'
(+) Method for table creation in the database driver

(!) Style revisions to default2 template and SobiPro frontend CSS
(!) php-prefix exclusion added to all templates in default2 template package
(!) Section information added to site title in administrator area

(#) Wrong parameter in AlphaListingAfterGetEntries Trigger (Issue #964)
(#) JavaScript file uploader preserving expired form (Issue #928)
(#) Category field set to non-editable with "fixed choice" method do not allow edit entries (Issue #966)
(#) Wrong directory separator in path comparison for Ajax file upload exception (Issue #930)
(#) Missing select list nodes in a multi select list with list's groups (Issue #953)
(#) Template method "BeforeStoreEntry" gets data array in administrator area but name of the request in frontend
(#) Missing texts for apps added
(#) No category/section title when page number has been added
(#) Error when trying to add entry in backend with a filter set (Issue #990)
(#) Image field as required field doesn't work (Issue #974)
(#) Alpha search field selector missing the field alias (Issue #980)
(#) Category icons on Windows machines (Issue #997)
(#) Publishing entry from frontend - cache issue (Issue #1000)
(#) Entry not checked in while hitting "exit" in administrator area
(#) Entry approve in frontend gives success message in a warning message type container
(#) Fixed several validation errors in default2 RSS feed template
(#) Missing prefix in SPSectionCtrl::userPermissionsQuery for some particular permissions (Issue #1002)
(#) SPLang::translateObject is getting nid from the wrong table (Issue #1006)
(#) Language files are not being removed while uninstalling particular language. (Removed SOBI_ROOT from the log for all apps) (Issue #1007)
(#) Language files aren't checked for requirements
(#) Wrong URL in the RSS feeds when Joomla! is installed in subdirectory (Issue #1011)
(#) Click counter data are not re-validated when XML cache is enabled (Issue #1010)
(#) Passing un-serialised data through un-serialise config method (legacy) (Issue #Chad's bug)

SobiPro 1.1.1 (1 July 2013)

(+) Added jquery-migrate for jQuery backward compatibility

(#) Removing spaces from CSS paths in cached files
(#) Bootstrap not loaded in administrator area when "prevent bootstrap loading" is activated
(#) Declaration of SPFrontView::setTemplate() incompatible with the interface
(#) Missing argument 3 for SPField_Category::searchNarrowResults()
(#) en-GB preload not enabled by default
(#) Typo in English language file

SobiPro 1.1.0 (28 June 2013)

(+) Possibility to prevent bootstrap CSS loading

(!) Larger JS and CSS files are minimised now
(!) Bootstrap CSS updated to version 2.3.2
(!) Font Awesome updated to version 3.1.0/3.1.1
(!) JQuery updated to v1.10.1
(!) Optional parameter added to SPJoomlaLang::replacePlaceHolders to remove empty placeholders

(#) Fixed language code replacement for the section crawler (Issue #890)
(#) Fixed missing parent id in entry
(#) Non-unicode aliases (Issue #901)
(#) Fixed installation of clean and full version on J!1.5
(#) Fixed wrong path replacement on Windows (Issue #891)
(#) Some complex parameters aren't transferred to a string while editing configuration (Issue #894)
(#) Added AfterGetEntries trigger in the Alpha Listing Controller
(#) Browser title generated by SobiPro is no longer added to a custom title set from template
(#) While in section/category view in administrator area, the "All Entries" menu is highlighted as active
(#) XML parser was generating Itemid for all loops in administrator area
(#) Changed attr method to prop in serial actions (interface.js) as jQuery 1.10 returns "unknown" for the "checked" attribute
(#) No label for objects (e.g. section drop'n'down menu) when it has been stored in a "dead" language
(#) Disabled core update button was clickable
(#) Checkbox group and radio fields aren't properly validated due to exception in validation method (Issue #910)
(#) Multilanguage mode in directory crawler fixed
(#) Entry counter doesn't work when cache is enabled
(#) Escaping field suffix
(#) XMLCall error fixed
(#) Trigger in search called before the priorities have been rearranged
(#) Cached view missing current template name; override via template package doesn't work
(#) security redirection for specific files only if mod_rewrite available
(#) Width of image upload field reduced; setting from configuration removed
(#) fixed width of file upload progress bar and message removed
(#) CSS tweaks for URL field in default2 template

SobiPro 1.1.0 Beta3 (10 May 2013)

(+) Added support for LESS in Codemirror
(+) Extended the search.suggest task with the possibility to select a particular field for the search
(+) Added message with reserved words to fields defining ini-file format lists

(!) Default textarea width reduced
(!) Removed Joomla! 3.1 canonical URL (a bit dirty solution)
(!) Removed site counter from browser's title when there is only one page (Issue #877)
(!) Category field of method 'fixed choice' cannot be set to required

(#) Shifted arguments in URL field for SPRequest::word call (Issue #861)
(#) While narrowing search down and if the previous search has no results, the search behaves as if there were no search params (to get a category search only)
(#) Scroll bar for template tree added and overflow hidden removed (Issue #867)
(#) Overflow hidden removed for SigsiuTree (Issue #868)
(#) Some XML attributes in administrator templates are being translated by default (Issue #865)
(#) Joomla! icon font was overwritten in frontend (J!3 only)
(#) Loading bootstrap in Joomla! 3.x if template hasn't (Issue #880)
(#) Visits counter fixed (Issue #875)
(#) Wrong path replacement for category chooser (Issue #873)

SobiPro 1.1.0 Beta2 (15 April 2013)

(+) Joomla! version dependency to the repository data

(#) Using method_exists on a string in admin view (Issue #841)
(#) The request cache is overriding the global $_REQUEST (Issue #835)
(#) XML cache file deletion of non-existent files (Issue #853)
(#) Calling non existing SEF URL causes 500 internal server error (Issue #849)
(#) Field aliases are not lowercase (Issue #855)
(#) The SobiPro.Ready JavaScript method is not being called when format is set to 'html' (Issue #844)
(#) "Parent Category selectable" does not work for SigsiuTree method (Issue #839)
(#) Search function access level "No Access" for public (Issue #846)
(#) SPHtml_Input::radioList does not accept '0' as label (Issue #858)

(-) Image field not storing temporary data any longer while using ajax uploader
(-) Automatic upload of files with file uploader

SobiPro 1.1.0 Beta1 (30 March 2013)

(+) XML based template engine for administrator templates
(+) Possibility to override administrator templates for particular sections
(+) Definition file for Radio Button field
(+) Field controller implements now a proxy pattern to the field type
(+) Category Chooser Field with different category selection methods implemented
(+) Possibility to define a primary category
(+) Prohibition of assigning an entry to parent category added to new Category Chooser Field
(+) Frontend Category Search to filter the search results by one or more categories
(+) IP search query link added to category and entry publishing IP (admin interface)
(+) Button to hide left menu in order to stretch the content screen (admin interface)
(+) Field description shown in backend 'Edit Entry' as popover
(+) 'Sort Entries by Field' reversible for frontend and backend sorting
(+) Direct Entry Selection via Joomla! Menu Manager
(+) Template override for specific categories and entries via Joomla! Menu Manager
(+) Workaround to bypass Joomla! menu type bug
(+) Possibility to define exact type of custom output including header content type, exit and clear
(+) Possibility to limit XML raw data to a specific IP
(+) Joomla! 3.0 compatibility (needs at least Joomla! 3.0.2)
(+) Auto-suggest feature for search function
(+) Excluding particular user groups for administrator templates override
(+) Found issues and state of important settings on Control Panel
(+) Second ordering for entries in search function
(+) Possibility to delete (instead of unpublish) an entry from frontend
(+) View and menu link for own entries
(+) View for all entries of an specific user
(+) View for all entries added within a particular date (year/month/or exact day)
(+) View and menu link for entries added in a particular date period
(+) Range search for inputbox with free defined value input
(+) URL field - ability to count and display number of visits/clicks for the particular link
(+) Category and Entry Alias for URL
(+) Metadata for specific add entry and search view
(+) Possibility to update/override a template package
(+) Custom redirect for accessing add entry form without permission
(+) Custom redirect for accessing entry details view without permission
(+) Custom redirect after a new entry has been added
(+) Possibility to define new permission to allow or disallow search function usage
(+) Custom redirect for accessing search function without permission
(+) XML cache view implemented; XML output is stored into a XML file and reused in next request if there were no changes
(+) Possibility to disable pre-load of "en-GB" language files
(+) Current page number of pagination to the browser title
(+) Added full text indexes to fields' data and language table
(+) Search priority to XML results
(+) Possibility to define different template methods (see default template) to plug-in an action between (and whilst) submit and save entry actions
(+) System checker added all status messages in en-GB
(+) Section crawler - possibility to trigger complete cache creation
(+) Simple translation method for sections, categories, entries and fields from administration panel

(-) Vehicles template removed; will be a separate template now
(-) SobiPro Admin Menu Module removed; sections available now on a menu list

(!) Administrator UI redesigned using Bootstrap library and new XML templates
(!) SPHeader::addMeta() takes now optional list of custom parameters as an array
(!) SPLang::nid() uses JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe now
(!) Category and entry Meta Robots parameter selection improved (admin interface)
(!) Category and entry publishing information extended (admin interface)
(!) Field description now allows HTML code
(!) Default settings while creating a new section changed
(!) CodeMirror upgraded to version 2.36
(!) jQuery upgraded to version 1.8.2
(!) jQuery UI updated to version v1.9.2
(!) Category selector for default Business Directory changed to Category Field
(!) No fix MyISAM database type on installation
(!) Sendmail account information removed from system check file
(!) Category meta description does no longer ends with a dot
(!) No default filter for fields title, contact and city in demo data
(!) CSS and Javascript cache now separate settings
(!) single .htaccess files removed, global file added
(!) Default Template now using Bootstrap; several improvements; new name
(!) JavaScript translation method speed improvement
(!) IMPORTANT!! The URL contains now the nid/alias instead of the title; that way the generated URL can be better controlled but it also changes all existing URLs
(!) Alias/nid (beside fields) is now translatable
(!) Counter of an object has been moved to a separate table due to performance issues (update statement deletes MySQL cache for a particular table)
(!) 'Bank Transfer' app renamed to 'Offline Payment'

(#) {entry.url} placeholder doesn't work (Issue #708)
(#) Typo in text label in Entry Manager
(#) getChilds() in model does not care about the child type
(#) Meta author corrected to 'author'
(#) Suffix not shown in backend
(#) Approved state for category has no effect
(#) Meta author and robots not added to header (Issue #734)
(#) Options of select list or checkbox fields will be deleted now if the field is deleted
(#) Duplication of a field more than once does not increment the alias counter
(#) Missing id for inbox fields in search form
(#) Non-closed string (url) in CSS cache while converting file path
(#) Not possible to transform url paths in CSS cache if more than one url per line
(#) Column count doesn't match value while installing a new payment App
(#) Workaround for non-latin characters in alpha index for problems in strtoupper
(#) Missing the section/category title in the page navigation URL
(#) Wrong date used for createdTime while submitting new entry (GMT instead of server time)
(#) Wrong date used for updatedTime while saving an entry (GMT instead of server time)
(#) Wrong date used for validUntil while saving an entry from frontend (GMT instead of server time)
(#) Session id passed to URL in case the cookie cannot be set for some reason (Time zone problems in Chrome) while adding/editing an entry
(#) Select list returns no results when searching for "exact phase" (Issue #801)
(#) Email field data invisible when Data Accelerator is enabled and data has been cached by a bot
(#) Template installer: complex fields' options are incorrect while installing new section (e.g. selected views in SP-GeoMap field)
(#) Cache not cleaned after an ACL rule has been saved
(#) Empty values for range search passed to the search method (Issue #806)
(#) Clean cache from outside SobiPro extension didn't work
(#) Removing entry_row from the cache failed
(#) Bug #832 - NOT LIKE creates fatal error
(#) Uncaught exception when CURL isn't installed in the administrator main panel

SobiPro 1.0.8 (6 August 2012)

(!) Added "token" to placeholders in SPlang::replacePlaceHolders method
(!) Changed method for discovering the right return point
(!) SobiPro Repository Certificate data renewed

(#) Plugged Apps weren't able to trigger own actions. Caused for example that the payment method wasn't delivered to the notification App (Issue Bug #598)
(#) Missing entry data in entry.payment task
(#) UTF-8 characters were destroyed in PayPal App (Issue #637)
(#) Entry AfterApprove trigger doubled (Issue #630)
(#) Disabling links verification for alpha index crashed SobiPro on front-end (Issue #626)
(#) Non-static data missing in search results (Issue #627)
(#) Missing section identifier in language values (method screen) for PayPal and Bank Transfer Apps (Issue #635)
(#) Wrong SQL query in alpha listing for unicode characters (Issue #638)
(#) Error reporting didn't work correctly
(#) URL in addObjToPathway method was passed through htmlentities. (Issue #692)
(#) Place-holder {entry.url} does not contain the site URL when used from front-end (Issue #646)

SobiPro 1.0.7 (28 April 2012)

(!) Updated jQuery to v1.7.2
(!) Updated jQueryUi to 1.8.18

(#) Missing section id in SPController::parseOrdering
(#) Problems while adding entries with disabled cache (Issue #619)
(#) Fixed several problems with strtolower and non-latin characters
(#) Changes made by administrator are being overwritten while approving an entry from the administrator form (Issue #620)
(#) Changes made by unauthorized users being auto-approved
(#) Missing translatable text added (Issue #623)

SobiPro 1.0.6 (28 March 2012)

(+) Possibility to force numeric ordering in the text fields
(+) Alpha Index - support for multiple select list and checkbox group
(+) Possibility to define tasks in config.ini to disable the content parser
(+) Protocol for structural data in config keys; supported: "csv://", "json://", "serialized://"
(+) Triggering state changes and approval while saving an entry
(+) Possibility to force the parent category id for an entry in section view

(!) Content parser disabled in entry.submit and entry.payment tasks; adjustable in config.ini (Issue #600)
(!) Putting results of Sobi::GetUserState back to the request
(!) dTree script now compressed
(!) Added output encoding to all default templates
(!) Deleting template package from template directory after installation
(!) Approving all language versions while approving an entry - need to finish multilanguage mode first
(!) template.xsd schema file updated

(#) New subcategories not visible in list while using SobiPro Data Accelerator (Issue #581)
(#) Alpha Index with select list doesn't work (Issue #592)
(#) Email and URL fields - prevent displaying empty labels
(#) Fields data not approved while changing entry state from the edit entry form in administrator area (Issue #576)
(#) Incomplete entries visible in list if an entry is not approved but user has permission to see unpublished entries (Issue #597)
(#) CSS compression conflicts with files override - when compression is enabled always the main file is taken instead of the template version of the file
(#) Site number missing in the canonical URL
(#) PHP bug #47370 affects only version 5.2.9 and not previous; changed the workaround condition
(#) Problem while installing apps on Windows machines; folders are not being created due to wrong path separator in explode
(#) Fields which are set as non-editable, aren't saved during add entry process; after saving entry, field is empty.(Issue #610)
(#) Wrong path separator in icons for categories on windows server (Issue #579)
(#) File max size in image field has no effects (Issue #614)
(#) Wrong initial parameters for entries and categories ordering in administrator area
(#) Cannot enable editor buttons; Joomla! requires explicit a boolean value
(#) Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$publishDown/$publishUp in /lib/models/field.php on line 708
(#) Alpha Index with non-latin characters on Windows servers returns empty urls (Issue #615)
(#) Navigation does not work correctly in Alpha Index with alternative field
(#) URL field "Validate URL" setting does not work

SobiPro 1.0.5 (28 January 2012)

(+) Method "SFormatDate" to the template helper

(!) SPFactory::db()->getQuery() to replace Joomla! db prefix
(!) Recommended Joomla! version to 2.5

(#) Fields options are missing in Template installer
(#) Field fee is losing the decimal place (Issue #588)
(#) Not all xml specific tags are being removed from the HTML output
(#) Re-ordering entries and categories with multiple pages doesn't work correctly (Issue #580)
(#) Cache not deleted if re-ordering entries and categories in administrator area
(#) Default language file (en-GB) for apps is not loaded
(#) No field id for email and url fields in default edit/add entry templates

SobiPro 1.0.4 (10 January 2012)

(+) Template installer: added support for additional multiple options

(!) Switched off fields cache because no longer necessary
(!) General Search method renamed to "via input field only"
(!) Template JavaScript and CSS files are loaded at the end now - possible to override JavaScript functions and CSS classes in template files

(#) Cache not deleted correctly (caused by fix of Issue #522)
(#) Select lists and radio buttons aren't shown if paid fields and data accelerator on
(#) Select lists and radio buttons aren't shown if auto-approval is off
(#) Undefined index: adminField, editLimit while installing template with a section definition
(#) Template JavaScript and CSS files override doesn't work if the JavaScript/CSS cache is enabled
(#) Entry approval in administrator area - only one category is being approved and additionally each time one unapproved relation is being deleted
(#) New, unapproved entries are not visible for users having the permissions to see unpublished entries
(#) Ordering entries by a single select list - wrong tables join

SobiPro 1.0.3 (28 December 2011)

(+) Performance improvements in administrator area
(+) Support for language files in sub folder in Apps installation packages

(!) Non-existing URL raises 404 return code now

(#) SPPlugins::trigger - in the emergency break the current trigger counter wasn't decreased so after jump out - no action was triggered
(#) Search order not through field priority (Issue #564)
(#) Wrong parameter passed to the error message function in multi value fields - There is no option '%s' in field '%s'
(#) If category description contains a plugin code Joomla! throws error: 500 Unable to load renderer class
(#) Double prefix in image field (Issue #556)
(#) Wrong URL created for entries while in administrator area (Issue #554)
(#) No error handling when problems with connection to repository
(#) SPImage::resample destroys GIF images
(#) Switching object cache while submitting or storing an object (Issue #522)
(#) Counter is not being refreshed
(#) Cleaning entities in fields output (Issue #568)
(#) Error while removing Joomla! native extensions via SobiPro apps installer in Joomla! 1.6/7 (Issue #571)

SobiPro 1.0.2 (2 December 2011)

(#) Entry name disappearing (Issue #558)

SobiPro 1.0.1 (28 November 2011)

(+) Field alias in fields list
(+) jQuery.noConflict - always after jquery has been included

(!) Visibility of newly created fields set to "details" instead of "both"
(!) Renaming Object Cache to 'SobiPro Data Accelerator'
(!) Disabling cache if no SQLite support available
(!) jQuery updated to version 1.6.4

(#) Minor HTML bugs in several administrator templates
(#) ACL rule 'access own unpublished' doesn't work for lists (Issue #521)
(#) MySQL seems to store sometimes 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as 1970-01-01 00:00:00; cannot find the reason :(
(#) Parse category description; "Global" always reverts to "No" (Issue #517)
(#) Select List field: wrong data selected for un-approved entries (Issues #529 #522)
(#) Edit item in relation to non-editable fields (Issue #532)
(#) Fixed word_filter for search to include unicode characters (Issue #535)
(#) Disabled categories visible in category chooser (Issue #539)
(#) Undefined variable: cfile In file lib/base/header.php in line 147 (Issue #541)
(#) Can't clear search inputbox (Issue #520)
(#) Duplicate template: new id wasn't created
(#) Problem with creating cache directory while FTP mode is enabled
(#) SobiPro mailer doesn't work when Joomla! is set to use SMTP
(#) Sorting entries by select list field (Issue #542)
(#) Entries hits counter doesn't refresh dynamically with cache enabled (Issue #547)
(#) Clean cache is executing SQLite query without checking if cache is enabled

SobiPro 1.0 (28 September 2011)

(+) isOutputOnly and isInputOnly handling for fields
(+) SPPlugins::registerHandler() method with Sobi::RegisterHandler() alias
(+) Token - pass the post/get param
(+) Possibility to override almost all config INI files. config_override.ini <=> config.ini
(+) Possibility to override all administrator templates files. entry_override.php <=> entry.php

(!) Var JavaScript files - including original name
(!) Apps do no longer create language folders
(!) No HTML filter for super admin
(!) Inbox field - trimming data
(!) Removed PHP short tags (Issue #512)

(#) $noId parameter not passed to SPSectionView::cachedEntry()
(#) Triggering a custom list task in entry view (VC) independent from current task (Bug #507)
(#) SPRemote::_construct() - For some reason on certain PHP/CURL version it causes error if $url is null
(#) Problem when field alias exist twice (in other section i.e.) while sorting by this field
(#) If field is set to administrator field after an entry has been edited all data from this field are being deleted
(#) get_defined_constants(true) causes white screen (no response error) under PHP 5.3 - seems to be a PHP bug
(#) Image field - images aren't deleted while entry is being deleted
(#) Un-approved entries (changes) not visible in search results
(#) updates.xml not deleted after core update
(#) SPHtml_Input::checkBoxGroup() and SPHtml_Input::select() - problem when selected value is 0
(#) Inbox field in search - "select" label was overwritten with empty data
(#) RSS feeds links in default templates
(#) Edit entry button visible sometimes for unregistered users. (Issue #506)
(#) Workaround for public users having SU permissions in Joomla! 1.6/1.7
(#) Accordion menu in Control Panel not translated into other languages (Bug #510)

SobiPro 1.0 RC5 (9 August 2011)

(!) Preventing numeric-only option ids in select list

(#) Not possible to autopublish an entry
(#) Problem with default language recognition in Joomla! 1.5
(#) Multi lang mode for predefined data fields works now
(#) Expired entries still visible when accessing the details view directly
(#) Multiple select list - missing data when re-editing entry
(#) Undefined variable: tid while installing new extension
(#) Cache not cleaned after "un-approve" entry
(#) DOMDocument::createElement() unterminated entity reference in /lib/types/array.php:134

SobiPro 1.0 RC4 (1 August 2011)

(+) Codename
(+) Warning when using default template
(+) Exception for MS doc files in SPFileInfo
(+) Extended template installer - possibility to add categories, requirements and additional settings
(+) Div Container for default Details View Template and CSS style code
(+) Warning if giving administrative permissions to an un-registered user
(+) Env data to the system check
(+) Real cURL checker
(+) Default (current) XML-Schema definition to the package (for installations without outgoing Internet connection)
(+) Token function passed to the template functions
(+) Exec file in template installer
(+) Possibility to override App's CSS files in the template package
(+) Possibility to override App's JavaScript files in the template package
(+) Own icon for the expired entries in administrator area
(+) Second cache layer to hold data image
(+) Title filter for entries in the "all entries" listing in administrator area
(+) Mata data (keys, description) are translatable now
(+) Canonical links to the site

(!) Skipping unique field data exception if duplicating an entry
(!) Highlighting non-existing fields in the fields manager
(!) New language handling; Multi-language mode switch added
(!) Changed MT JavaScript to JQ in search.js within default templates
(!) Cache: (Try) Workaround for Windows Servers; dropping tables instead of deleting db files
(!) Removed cp checker in the administrator area
(!) Changed MT JavaScript to JQ in alpha.js within default templates
(!) Application loader doesn't throw a fatal error if it doesn't exist
(!) Default navigation template - changed behaviour while displaying many sites
(!) Unification of XML fields output (CSS and data)
(!) Newly created section shows default template in the SobiPro menu even if the configuration wasn't saved
(!) Limiting number of displayed entries in admin area while exhausting memory
(!) Usertype for unregistered users set to 'Visitor'
(!) Moved object creation into the views - object can be destroyed in the loop and free the memory
(!) Default Template: small CSS changes
(!) Joomla! version detection
(!) Small changes for Joomla! 1.7
(!) Recommended Joomla! 1.6/1.7 version set to 1.7.0

(#) Cache / SQLiteDatabase - checking for class_exists('SQLiteDatabase') instead of the function; causing GPL License violation
(#) Multi-choice fields - loosing selected options if there were no changes for approval pending
(#) Radio buttons of search phrases on wrong side
(#) While initializing field type in admin area and the special administrator definition doesn't exist, field type is not being loaded (template fields creation i.e.)
(#) Requirements checker - missing revision
(#) "input-xml" added into SPTemplateXSLT::repairHtml() - changed in-line styles into CSS class
(#) Missing field nid in the CSS class in inherited fields
(#) Replacing & - to & in SPHtml_Input::checkbox()
(#) Currency separator in field edit function
(#) Image field - not possible to change the width
(#) Undefined index: installed - In File: lib/views/adm/extensions.php at line 83 Requested URI: extensions.manage
(#) Unpublished field doesn't appear in alpha index additional fields list
(#) Checkbox group and radio field - label on the wrong site
(#) Section categories/entries counter fixed
(#) Multi-language problems while accessing fields data
(#) Wrong language in menu selection (sections names always in default language)
(#) Not possible to save default language values in fields
(#) parse_ini_file in the requirement checker fixed
(#) No error message when not possible to create remote connection while adding new repository
(#) Some errors are still logged even if the debug level is lower than the error type
(#) Not possible to add full URL into the redirects
(#) Deprecated CURLOPT_MUTE option removed
(#) Wrong language label in ACL rule editor
(#) Wrong URL for SobiProAdmUrl if Joomla! 1.6 installed in sub-directory
(#) Alpha Listing: letter in page navigation URL is lower case now
(#) Multiple db entries for mod_spmenu in Joomla! 1.6 after installation
(#) The work-around for PHP 5.2.9 bug disturbs perms getter on PHP lower than 5.2.9
(#) Skipping HTML editor initialization if working in raw mode (work-around for Joomla! 1.6 bug)
(#) Fit Joomla! 1.6 user (author) selector
(#) Alpha Listing - wrong url in the navigation while using optional field
(#) (Dev) Not possible to get entry name while storing an entry for the first time (Bug #482)
(#) Not possible to redirect to 'index.php'
(#) Range search - not possible to search for float values
(#) Missing field suffix while editing entry in administrator area
(#) Wrong return point when performing administrative operation in administrator area in entries list
(#) Error Message: Undefined variable: fileData in requirements checker
(#) Resetting cache after update
(#) JavaScript and CSS cache is not being reset after changes
(#) Joomla! content plugin not triggered in details view - running in the plugins overload
(#) Suffix shown for empty data in default template
(#) No Label and Suffix shown for some fields (e.g. image)
(#) Default option name in option groups of select lists
(#) Multi-language mode - several labels aren't translated
(#) URL/Email fields - quotes not cleaned in the field output
(#) Wrong labels in the category children for name - getting field label instead sometimes
(#) Not possible to overwrite the details view output (XML for example)
(#) Field: Select List and Checkbox group - empty options are always selected
(#) Labels of disabled fields are visible in the admin area while editing an entry
(#) Field: Multiple Select List - options group is not sortable
(#) Field: Image - cannot set to display original image. Typo orginal/original
(#) Date in config class - formatting error. Passing timestamp through strtotime
(#) Field Image: Typo in XSL attribute thumbail -> thumbnail
(#) Missing usertype in XML output in Joomla! 1.6
(#) No possibility to use Joomla! settings in the mailer class
(#) Missing 'editLimit' in fields
(#) Fields select and multi select list - width in the search form incorrect
(#) Field "select" (and inherited) - no db table given in the approval method
(#) Wrong node in the default template - seeking for section instead of category
(#) In Joomla! 1.6/7 the registered user group id in sample data is was wrong
(#) JavaScript/CSS compression - improved the regular expression to translate relative path to absolute
(#) When unapproved data in a field fits better to the current language - these data were displayed
(#) Fields multi select list and checkbox group - while editing an entry the real selected data (unapproved too)
(#) Cache deletion was language depend
(#) Removed from the payment settings in global configuration
(#) Fields: multi-select list and checkbox group - several errors in the SQL-clause
(#) Alpha listing controller is seeking for approved entries only
(#) Wrong id (once 0 once the field id) while inserting language depend option of a field
(#) Removed unused setting 'Select Label' from multiple select list settings
(#) Cache - clean all function doesn't clear all files but only expired
(#) Fields: multi-select list and checkbox group - several errors in the SQL-clause
(#) Undefined index: msg in base/mainframe.php - string is also an array
(#) Core updater seeking for type "extension" instead "component"
(#) Exception handler - calling backtrace only if class already imported
(#) Wrong labels for categories in details view - getting field label instead sometimes
(#) Cannot break/continue 1 level in lib/ctrl/adm/sobipro.php
(#) Field: Textarea missing params and option col - data in default language shifted in the db
(#) Field: all fields with selectable options - labels are always overwritten in the current administrator language while editing field definition
(#) SPTemplateXSLT::repairHtml does not return the repaired node
(#) Wrong default language recognition
(#) Administrator recognition for Joomla! 1.6/7 using core ACL now

(*) Possibility to delete an entry without necessary permissions
(*) ACL permission may not work depend on error reporting settings

(-) Categories and entries counter in the front in administrator area - causes time-out on sites with many entries

SobiPro 1.0 RC3 (16 May 2011)

(+) Template file "Save As"
(+) Obligatory constructor in SPTemplateXSLT class
(+) Possibility to define XML translation file for template
(+) Updater data in entry edit form in admin area
(+) Template info shown in section template
(+) jQuery-UI and autocomplete libraries
(+) Search suggest method
(+) Adjustment in header to use it from outside
(+) Possibility to define templates language overrides file
(+) Count method for templates
(+) parse_ini_file to the requirements checker
(+) JavaScript and CSS files acceleration
(+) JavaScript compression
(+) Factory method for entry model
(+) URL is now included in the entry model

(!) Catching attempts to access non-existent files
(!) Setting tmpl to component while cleaning buffer and resetting Joomla response body
(!) Default debug level to 2
(!) Switching to jQuery case possible
(!) Apps installer doesn't throw error if trying to re-install an App
(!) Layout of News in Control Panel
(!) Backend styles to fit Joomla! 1.5 and 1.6
(!) Moved some texts to text file
(!) Workaround to prevent Joomla! "prepare content" trigger in admin area
(!) Added inclusion path clean method
(!) Textarea field - nl2br if no HTML allowed
(!) Excluding index.html files from templates editor
(!) Help icon

(#) New menu entry: Notice: Use of undefined constant SOBI_ADM_FOLDER in /lib/cms/joomla_common/base/mainframe.php on line 288
(#) External initialization function with section id sets the objects as an id
(#) PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method SPCmsInstaller::error() in /lib/cms/joomla_common/base/installer.php on line 223
(#) Regex replacer for the URL safe method doesn't work
(#) Error while copying directories and path is terminated by dir separator
(#) General template parser always enabled
(#) Problems with Joomla! in subdirectory
(#) Bug in default template while displaying one entry in a row
(#) Joomla! 1.6 txt.js include script - escaping ampersands
(#) General template parser enabled in edit entry form
(#) Missing icon in category
(#) Fixed path (double slash) in icon path
(#) URL passed ordering worked for registered users only
(#) Repository browser - missing return point
(#) Not possible to delete repository
(#) Field Manager - state change message not translated
(#) Bug in app installer when subdirectories deep is larger than 2
(#) Sobi::Init - missing const class (SPC) inclusion
(#) Wrong labels in field type while editing special field type
(#) Several fixes for MT 1.2.5
(#) Alpha listing while searching for range and SEF is activated
(#) Not possible to load css file from media directory in template
(#) Catching non-existing fields for Alpha-Index
(#) Some typos in language files
(#) Class 'SPField_Inbox' not found in textarea.php - if textarea is the first field in a section
(#) Backend SigsiuTree - translating URL to SEF
(#) JavaScript form validator failed with tooltip (SobiPro.htmlEntities)
(#) Alpha listing: navigation URL not conform
(#) URL string replacer doesn't work for upper case non-ASCII characters
(#) Wrong RSS-Feed ordering in default templates
(#) *Task Apps always active within a section
(#) Cannot write to file \tmp\edit\2011-04-27_05-04-00_::1\post.var on Windows (IPv6)
(#) Wrong data passed to alpha listing controller for "alpha_field"
(#) Missing entry title within URL in details view
(#) Missing some images in Joomla! 1.6 - admin images are now in template
(#) Typo and wrong label setting for checkbox and radio button fields
(#) Select list - problem with HTML-entities in the value
(#) CheckBox Group - all options pre-selected when returning to add entry function
(#) Removed multiple id from fields output
(#) Default templates - several JavaScript and CSS/XSl bugs in IE8/9
(#) Special characters in meta keywords converted to htmlentities
(#) Entry model doesn't work in autonomous mode - missing right section ID

(*) db::update - value not escaped
(*) SPRequest::cmd - wrong filter definition

SobiPro 1.0 RC2 (1 April 2011)

(+) Joomla! plugins and modules can be installed and un-installed in SobiPro Apps Manager - SobiPro tag required
(+) Added SobiPro version in to the system check log file
(+) Whole template output can be passed through the Joomla! content plugin
(+) Possibility to backup files modified by an App
(+) Possibility to install an Update-App
(+) Possibility to revert files modified by an App

(!) After an entry or category has been duplicated the copy state is set to "disabled"
(!) Escaping dot (.) in the search function while using regex
(!) Changed Joomla! recommended version to 1.5.22 / 1.6.1
(!) Application loader doesn't throw a fatal error

(#) SigsiuTree - selected category not highlighted in Chrome
(#) Bug #444 (UTF-8 encoding) Using a field as meta-data
(#) Bug #442 UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS while accessing admin panel / PHP 5.2.9 Issue
(#) Bug #364 Field Type = email does not display in Joomla! front-end
(#) JavaScript messages are not being translated
(#) SqueezeBox (Filter editor) in Joomla! 1.6 doesn't work
(#) JavaScript errors (wrong live url) when installed in a sub-directory
(#) Bug #454 Javascript message problem if Joomla! 1.6 installed in sub directory
(#) Admin module: JavaScript error if section name contains single quote
(#) Not possible to add a repository in Joomla! 1.6
(#) Cars & Vehicles payment template shows HTML code
(#) Not possible to save input filter
(#) Missing argument 2 for SPSectionCtrl::userPermissionsQuery(), called in /components/com_sobipro/lib/ctrl/search.php
(#) ACL - "Edit Any" permission doesn't work
(#) Temporary JavaScript file for the edit entry function - wrong params for the file name
(#) Wrong root URL when Joomla! is installed in sub-directory
(#) Templates config merge doesn't work
(#) Bug in the default templates when displaying more entries in one row
(#) Update Installer for Joomla! 1.6
(#) Possibility to overwrite the section data - an entry has been saved as a section
(#) Entry payment screen not shown with SEF URL
(#) JavaScript translation method in the admin area doesn't work
(#) ACL - "Skip Payment" permission doesn't work
(#) Checked out icon doesn't show in Joomla! 1.6
(#) Bug #380: templates - extended search container is partially hidden
(#) Cancel button while cloning a template doesn't work
(#) Several bugs in the application installer
(#) Field un-installer doesn't remove the field type
(#) JavaScript frontend file loaded in backend when using language other than en-GB
(#) Error reporting and debug level wasn't restored correctly
(#) Deleting repository without choosing a repo to delete removes all repositories
(#) Wrong URL to the Joomla! user edit function on Joomla! 1.5
(#) Error log navigation doesn't work right
(#) Frontend language file for Apps not loaded in the admin area


(*) Security Fix
(#) Bug Fix
(+) Addition
(-) Removed
(!) Changed

Sobi Framework 2.2.1 (23 August 2024)

(#) Did not work without enabled Backward Compatibility plugin
(#) GetInt() does no longer work correctly (Joomla problem)
(#) Mail constructor does not always work

Sobi Framework 2.2 (27 February 2024)

(+) Binary Fulltext search added

Sobi Framework 2.1.4 (28 April 2023)

(!) Joomla languages loaded via Application

Sobi Framework 2.1.3 (01 March 2023)

(+) Possibility to set a fix height or width for images

(#) GetExt() returns the whole path if file does not have an extension

Sobi Framework 2.1.2 (31 January 2023)

(#) Wrong return type for CURL method info()

Sobi Framework 2.1.1 (31 October 2022)

(+) New method in Mail to clear recipient addresses

Sobi Framework 2.1 (31 August 2022)

(!) PHP 8.1 compatibility

Sobi Framework 2.0.2 (28 July 2022)

(+) Constant BOOTSTRAP6 added for future

(#) Missing constant SOBI_APP
(#) Constant INFO_MSG not declared
(#) Wrong return type in case ini file could not be parsed

Sobi Framework 2.0.1 (25 April 2022)

(+) Constant BOOTSTRAP_STYLES added

Sobi Framework 2.0 (17 January 2022)

(!) Version set to 2.0

Sobi Framework 2.0 Beta 1 (9 November 2021)

(!) Handle bool values in ini files correctly

Sobi Framework 2.0 Alpha 2 (19 October 2021)

(-) not used header file removed

Sobi Framework 2.0 Alpha 1 (01 October 2021)

(+) WriteIniFile method added and 'mode' parameter added to LoadIniFile method
(+) Mail wrapper for Joomla
(+) Several additional wrappers added specifically for Joomla

(!) File System Wrapper specifically for Joomla
(-) Nid creation for fields added
(#) false must be 0 and not '' for strict database

Sobi Framework 1.5 (28 May 2021)

(!) Interface to Joomla moved to Framework (used by SobiPro 2.0)
(!) Version determination moved to Framework (used by SobiPro 2.0)
(!) Router adapted to work with J4 too
(!) Database normalisation re-worked. Takes care now of default values and data types.

(#) Index of array converted to string (TypecastArray) as float can't be an index
(#) Incorrect SQL statement

Sobi Framework 1.4 (26 February 2021)

(+) Bootstrap 5 constants added for SobiPro 2.0
(+) Possibility to set $_FILES value

(!) SobiPro 2.0 constants changed

(#) Failed to move file throws exception
(#) Request data returns 'null' for '0' values. This is not the desired behaviour.

Sobi Framework 1.3 (15 December 2020)

(+) Various constants added for SobiPro 2.0
(+) Extended Utils/Type.php with TypecastVariable and TypecastArray
(+) New type handling utility added

(!) Input:Int() extended by parameter noZero

(#) Debug output in set query removed and switched to Exception throw

Sobi Framework 1.2 (30 September 2020)

(+) Recursive file moving/copying added to the DirectoryIterator

(!) Detecting graphics editor depends on WEBP capability
(!) Possibility to use normalize with insertArray()

(#) Fixes for latest MySQL version
(#) FileSystem::Delete() does not always return success status

Sobi Framework 1.1 (31 July 2020)

(+) Added support for WEBP images into Grafika
(+) Introducing of semantic versioning
(+) webp_quality config key for WEBP images added

(!) Image->saveAs() creates editor object if it not already exists

(#) Braces of placeholders are changed to entities when in urls (Issue #11)
(#) Usage of wrong translation method for some error messages (Txt() instead of Error())

Sobi Framework 1.0.13 (05 June 2020)

(+) Output of error messages added
(+) CURL initialisation error added

(#) FILTER_SANITIZE_ADD_SLASHES does not work for PHP versions below 7.4

Sobi Framework 1.0.12 (30 May 2020)

(!) CURL error messages improved and initialisation status added

Sobi Framework 1.0.11 (21 January 2020)

(#) double usage of variable $e

Sobi Framework 1.0.10 (26 November 2019)

(+) Workaround for Joomla returnig wrongfully an integer when array with the same name is set

Sobi Framework 1.0.9 (13 January 2019)

(+) Implementation of FileSystem::FixUrl and failsafe for FileSystem::FixPath

(#) Image Rotation does not work correctly
(#) Original file should not be deleted after resampling

Sobi Framework 1.0.8 (10 January 2019)

(#) Image rotation not called
(#) Input::Search breaks after first result

Sobi Framework 1.0.7 (6 September 2018)

(+) Simple OpenSSL encryption added
(+) Option to replace characters with null in StringUtils::Nid
(+) Added constant for success message
(+) Support for attributes and custom node names in Arr class

(!) Getting "files" array from PHP directly

(#) Count on non-arrays in PHP 7.2.x (Issue #103)

Sobi Framework 1.0.6 (4 May 2018)

(#) HTML filter, reverting html entities (Issue #8)

Sobi Framework 1.0.5 (3 May 2018)

(#) Closing for empty tags changed to short closing and leads to problems (Issue #7)
(#) Each save doubles the number of line-breaks in textareas (Issue #6)

Sobi Framework 1.0.4 (25 April 2018)

(+) Implemented AthosHun\HTMLFilter
(+) Implemented Grafika
(+) Autoloader support for third party libraries

(#) Input::Search returns an array now
(#) Missing slash in RegEx (Issue #3)

Sobi Framework 1.0.3 (28 December 2017)

(+) Input::Search implemented

(!) Switching Input::Raw back to vanilla PHP
(!) Autoloader inclusion changed from relative to absolute path. Seems doesn't work on some servers.

(#) Wrong calls in Input::Timestamp
(#) Or-operation of where conditions with time as parameter failed

Sobi Framework 1.0.2 (4 March 2017)

(#) Wrong regex for Input::Cmd

Sobi Framework 1.0.1 (1 March 2017)

(!) Array syntax changed
(#) SPC used in Framework; junk left after moving functionality to the Framework (Issue #1766)

Sobi Framework 1.0.0 (21 January 2017)

Initial release


(*) Security Fix
(#) Bug Fix
(+) Addition
(-) Removed
(!) Changed

Default Template 8.0.1 (24 September 2024)

(+) Add an icon in front of field label (Font Awesome 5/6 only) to CSS class via label-<icon> (common/showfields.xsl)

(!) custom.less will be modified and compiled on saving template settings (config.xsl, css/custom.less)
(!) Fix colours are moved to separate colour file (helper/_colours.linc, theme.less, custom.less)
(!) Entry name in vCard will be truncated if too long (common/vcard.xsl)
(!) Category view improved (common/categoryies.xsl, common/category.xsl)

(#) Added 'alert-delta' to general Joomla message alert (common/messages.xsl)
(#) Correction of for Review & Ratings Application (entry/details.xsl)

Default Template 8.0 (01 July 2024)

(+) Print added to details view (entry/print.xsl)
(+) SobiPro and Bootstrap Tabs added to details view (entry/details.xsl) and entry form (entry/edit.xsl)
(+) Carousel added to tabbed details view (entry/details.xsl)
(+) Additional Google Fonts added (config.xml)

(-) All references for Bootstrap 2,3 and 4 removed. This template is Bootstrap 5 only!!

(!) Carousel, Tabs and printing styles improved/corrected (config.xml, css/theme.less)

Default Template 7.2.2 (22 May 2024)

(#) Alpha index layout corrected (_bootstrap.linc)

Default Template 7.2.2 (17 May 2024)

(!) Utilities script extended

Default Template 7.2.1 (02 May 2024)

(!) Improvements of the default custom styles (custom.less)
(!) Styles 'Elevated' and the normalised improved (_elevated.linc, _normalize.linc)
(!) General search input box only shows the field's placeholder (search.js)

(#) Javascript error if the search box was removed from template (search.js)
(#) Datepicker styles got overwritten (bootstrap.linc)
(#) Carousel corrected and styles moved to (theme.less, _bs5.linc, general.js). Carousel supported only for Bootstrap 5.
(#) Staples tab style improved and supported only for Bootstrap 5 (_mixins.linc).

Default Template 7.1.6 (17 November 2023)

(+) Setting to move the category name below the icon

(!) Category template settings won't be shown if set to 'none'
(!) Distance above 'Show/Hide Categories' button set

(#) Several changes in typography.xsl for markup validity
(#) 'Show/Hide Categories' texts were not translated
(#) Default template version was not of type string
(#) Added some CSS code for Bootstrap 3

Default Template 7.1.5 (15 September 2023)

(!) Add line feed after each field's output

(#) PHP 8 compatibility

Default Template 7.1.4 (06 June 2023)

(+) Support for price and term fields added

(!) Usage of typed variables in template.php

(#) Offset for description text not set correctly
(#) Active flag for edit entry item of topmenu not always set correctly

Default Template 7.1.3 (28 April 2023)

(!) Resize class changed from sp-title to spctrl-resize

Default Template 7.1.2 (17 February 2023)

(+) Possibility to switch off category name; name added as popover for images

(!) Texts moved from translation.xml to template language file

(#) Inherited CSS colours are inherited from default colours instead selected colour scheme

Default Template 7.1.1 (31 December 2022)

(!) Compatibility files moved to storage

Default Template 7.1 (26 September 2022)

(+) Template functions AddTitle() and SetTitle() added to template.php
(+) Support for collection view with continuous pagination
(+) Support for collection button with continuous pagination for section/category view

(!) Payment modal id removed
(!) Navigation script revised to be jQuery free
(!) Action parameter removed from configuration files as no longer used
(!) Tagin styles improved

(#) Problem fixed with pagination type 2 and continuous pagination
(#) Style for 'noimage' image corrected
(#) Bootstrap 2 buttons, button groups and dropdown styles corrected
(#) Manage button for Bootstrap 2 corrected
(#) Styles added for Bootstrap 3 to remove Joomla 3 template influence
(#) Styles added for Bootstrap 4 to remove Joomla 3 template influence
(#) Discount nodes corrected (list.xsl)

Default Template 7.0.3 (02 August 2022)

(+) Styles for tagin and autoComplete scripts added

(!) Categories in line can be set to flex (Bootstrap 4 and 5 only)
(!) Applications listed under 'Applications' in the template settings are now in alphabetical order
(!) Search suggest script changed from typeahead to autoComplete

(#) SobiPro scope added to _utilities.linc for Bootstrap < 4
(#) Quick search does not work; search button added
(#) Bootstrap 2: still missing blank in class value in edit form

(#) Collection button corrected
(#) Bootstrap radius problem for btn-sm in button group
(#) Navigation colour problem caused by normalize

Default Template 7.0.2 (21 June 2022)

(+) More Bootstrap 5 utilities added for lower Bootstrap versions

(!) btn-mini style added to Bootstrap 2
(!) Bootstrap 2 HTML output switched to Bootstrap responsive

(#) Missing styles for Bootstrap 3 on Joomla 3
(#) Label reference for content container wrong in search form
(#) spctrl-search-form id doubled
(#) Label reference for phrases container missing
(#) Border colour of invalid focused elements wrong
(#) Bootstrap 2: missing blank in class value in edit form
(#) Bootstrap 2: offset and label position wrong in edit form for mobile devices
(#) Undefined variable in default4 compatibility file
(#) Bootstrap 3: Joomla template adds wrong styles to label class for mobile devices
(#) Usage of wrong variable in sort.js

Default Template 7.0.1 (20 May 2022)

(!) Call to ratings stars in vcard moved
(!) clearfix after content loop in details view removed
(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core
(!) Styles for Bootstrap 2 and 3 added/changed

(#) Missing triggers for Bootstrap 2
(#) Datepicker position for Bootstrap 2 and 3 corrected

Default Template 7.0 (25 April 2022)

(!) star class changed to sp-star

(#) Textarea height for Bootstrap 2 and 3 wrong
(#) input-group-text for Bootstrap 4 and 5 corrected

Default Template 7.0 RC 4 (29 March 2022)

(+) Template version added also to theme.less file

(!) Distances for alpha menu changed
(!) Some style changes

Default Template 7.0 RC 3 (11 March 2022)

(!) Alpha listing does no longer use grid system
(!) Only tooltips and popovers with the attribute data-sp-toggle will be initialized automatically

(#) Topmenu active state wrong if editing an entry
(#) JS initialisation of tooltips and popovers wrong for Bootstrap < 5

Default Template 7.0 RC 2 (24 February 2022)

(!) Utility classes for Bootstrap < 5 separated in one helper file

(#) Debug output removed
(#) Modal window size wrong on mobile and Bootstrap 5
(#) Some style improvements for Bootstrap 2 and 3

Default Template 7.0 RC 1 (01 February 2022)

(+) Round pagination example added to the typography template

(!) Some corrections for Bootstrap 2 and 3 used with Joomla 4 default template NOTE! It is highly recommended using the Bootstrap version your Joomla template provides for SobiPro!

(-) Bootbox styles removed

(#) Adaptions for Bootstrap 5 templates

Default Template 7.0 Alpha 2 (19 October 2021)

(#) Missing semicolon in some javascript files

Default Template 7.0 Alpha 1 (01 October 2021)

(+) Setting 'Category icon width' added
(+) Possibility to set image width to 100% in template settings
(+) Framework (Bootstrap) and font of template will be set in general configuration
(+) Font sizes 17px and 19px added
(+) Evacuated LESS code in helper modules
(+) New colour themes for the colours red, green, blue and grey
(+) Styles for applications will be installed with the application itself
(+) Container width for the forms (when to break on mobiles)
(+) Supports Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 layout
(+) Possibility to choose a 'flex' number of entries per line and to set a minimum width for them
(+) Accessibility
(+) Entry form buttons (save, cancel) can be set sticky
(+) More navigation styles added
(+) Compatibility styles added for old templates

(-) Font sizes 11px and 12px removed

(!) Color picker updated. Incompatible with older templates!
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 2.x layout
(!) Usage of Font Awesome5 Free possible
(!) Usage of Sobi Framework functions
(!) Suffixes for radio and check boxes are now appended to the option label by the system
(!) Suffixes in forms are handled by the system now
(!) Description position setting moved to fields manager
(!) Usage of new load icon function SobiPro::Icon to load the icon according to a select font
(!) Suffixes for field types #multiselect' and 'chbxgroup' are added after each option
(!) Buttonbar: add and search button are on right side by default
(!) All size values are in rem now; Base size = 16px
(!) Included less files starts with underscore, gets extension '.linc' and cannot be compiled directly
(!) themes folder moved below CSS folder
(!) SobiPro specific typography styles (for button, background and text) are renamed to alpha, beta, gamma and delta
(!) Frontend tree styles are now included in theme.less.
(!) Redesign of all colour themes with respect to accessibility
(!) Labelling the colour themes with the colours they use
(!) Improving the elevated style
(!) Template settings of applications loaded separately from folder 'settings'
(!) Searchfield template does no longer need the position
(!) Separate template settings file for search: search.json
(!) Typeahead script now loaded from bootstrap.utilities.typeahead.js
(!) Autosuggest to work with Bootstrap 4 and 5
(!) Setting for basic template development support (fields highlighting) moved to template settings
(!) Normalizing CSS moved to template and set to on by default

(#) Sub-categories separator within text element to preserve blank
(#) payment/list.xsl used deprecated attributes
(#) Set the selected alpha switch item to active

Default Template 6.3 (26 February 2021)

(#) Error message in edit form not fully visible for inline layout

Default Template 6.2 (30 November 2020)

(!) Calendar view styles
(!) Distances in entry form

(#) Added category id for entries ordering from drop-down box

Default Template 6.1 (30 September 2020)

(!) Alert colours changed

(#) Add entry to category button shown only if user has the rights to
(#) 'SPGeoMapsReg' is undefined
(#) Status 'expired' is not shown

Default Template 6.0 (31 July 2020)

(+) Image placeholders improved (css or image; no, yes, controlled; float)
(+) Extra layout added for alpha index
(+) Tabular layout for details view and vcard
(+) Support for Contactform Field
(+) Google reCaptcha added to entry form

(-) Correction CSS files and folder tmpl removed as SobiPro normalizes the styles now; still necessary corrections should be made in the custom.less/css file

(!) New styles for theme 'sobipro'; former 'sobipro' theme renamed to 'power'
(!) Corner values instead of rounded/angular
(!) Manage and Search button get important colour
(!) Border colour of sigsiu buttons set to background colour
(!) Headers (h1,h2) normalized

(#) Custom link colour missing in settings
(#) Url field layout in entry form corrected
(#) Some CSS tweaks

Default Template 5.2 (29 May 2020)

(!) Changelog included in SobiPro's changelog


(*) Security Fix
(#) Bug Fix
(+) Addition
(-) Removed
(!) Changed

Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.

This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them or parts of it without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Published on Wednesday, 23 February 2011. Visited 70731 times.
Powered by SobiPro
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