Information Center

In the Information Center you will find everything you need to know about SobiPro and its applications!
It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.


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SobiPro is translated into more than 30 languages.

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Applications for SobiPro

More about the various applications for SobiPro

Last updated: 26. October 2020

We do not include all functionality we offer for SobiPro into SobiPro core. This is a big advantage as you do not get overwhelmed by functions you do not need. Also the core package is more light by doing so. This additional functionality is provided to you by so called applications. The applications integrate themselves into SobiPro as they would be part of it.
Applications will be distinguished by the application type.

The following application types are available:

  • application: an application of type application is an add-on for SobiPro which enhances SobiPro with a new functionality. For those of you who know our former component Sobi2, these type of applications was called a Sobi2-Plugin. We do not longer use the term plugin to avoid confusion with Joomla! plugins.
    SobiPro applications can be either enabled per-section or are globally available for all sections.
  • field: an application of type field extends the list of available field types for custom fields. Once installed they are available for all sections.
  • payment: an application of type payment adds an additional payment gateway to SobiPro.
  • template: as a template package may contain functionality, it is also treated as an application. Most template package installers add also a section with pre-installed fields and configuration to your SobiPro.
  • language: a language package contains the language files for another language for SobiPro core. Language files for applications are always part of the corresponding application.
  • module: module applications are standard Joomla! modules for SobiPro.
  • plugin: plugin applications are standard Joomla! plugins for SobiPro.

There are several applications available for SobiPro. The number of applications is growing constantly. Not all applications are available for free. Some of them need a specific club membership (subscription).

Free Applications

Some of the free applications are installed automatically with installation of SobiPro. These are core applications and cannot be un-installed.

Application Name Core Type Description
Input Box field a field to enter text
Image field a field for upload images
Text Area field a field to enter data w/ or w/o HTML w/ or w/o Wysiwyg editor
Single Select List field a field to select one item from a list
Radio Buttons field a field to select data by means of radio buttons
Checkbox Group field a field to select data by means of checkboxes
Multiple Select List field a field to select several items from a list
Email field a field to enter an email address
URL field a field to enter an URL/link
Category field a field to select from the categories list
Information field a field to show text
Button field adds a button to the views
Bank Transfer payment a payment gateway for wire transfer/offline payment
Paypal payment a payment gateway for Paypal
Router application SEF URLs for SobiPro

Club Applications

Club applications are part of a membership depending on the selected subscription plan.

You can also buy only one specific application with limited benefits. These so called Application Subscriptions are meant for update of one or two applications only. The applications are divided in classes as shown below. Read more about our Subscription Plans!

Application Name Type Bronze Silver Gold Class Description
Disqus Integration application I Integration of the Disqus service
Notifications application I Email notification system
Voting application I Vote entries up and/or down
ACL Override application II Overrides ACL for specific entries
Collection application II Collect entries in lists, compare them, create favorites, notify their authors
Expiration application II Expiration notification and renew system
Favoured Search application II Show favoured entries on top of search results
Review and Rating application II Multi criteria Review and Ratings
Import/Export application III Import/Export of directory entries
Template Packager application III Create an installable template package including configuration and fields
Aggregation Field field I Adds tags functionality to directory entries
Basic SP-GeoMap Field field I Shows a 'Geo Map' for directory entry location
Claim Listing Form field I 'Contact Form' to be used for claim listings
Contact Form Field field I 'Contact Form' to contact author and/or admin
Download Field field I 'Download' field to download files from an entry
Profile Field field I 'Profile' field for user registration and section linking
QR-Code Field field I 'QR-Code' for entries data
Report Listing Form field I 'Contact Form' field to report listings
Calendar Field field II 'Calendar' field / events directory
Coupon Field field II 'Coupon' field for discounts or prolongation
Gallery Field field II 'Gallery' field / images gallery
SP-GeoMap Field field II GeoMap field with proximity/radius search
SobiCars Template template III SobiPro Vehicles Market template
SobiMembers Template template III SobiPro members/profiles template
SobiPackages Template template III SobiPro price packages template
SobiRestara Template template III SobiPro template for restaurants guides
SobiSort Template template III SobiPro template for sortable tables
Categories Module module I Joomla! module to show directory categories
Category Select Module module I Joomla! module to select a catgeory (quick jump to a specific category)
Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries
Featured Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show featured directory entries (Entries Module)
Last Updated Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries sorted by recently updated date (Entries Module)
Latest Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries sorted by recently added date (Entries Module)
Most Popular Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries sorted by most popular date (Entries Module)
Random Entries Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries randomly (Entries Module)
Show Entries by Field Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries sorted by a given select list (Entries Module)
SP-GeoMap Module module I Joomla! module to show directory entries on a map

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Published on Saturday, 12 November 2011. Visited 61947 times.
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